Feb 2016
8:06pm, 21 Feb 2016
8,827 posts
But you're right. Often people don't return your greeting. There was one particular chap I used to see in the very early morning a lot who never ever acknowledged me, despite seeing me 2-3 times a week. Grrr...
Feb 2016
8:09pm, 21 Feb 2016
20,266 posts
Derby Tup
I can't remember a runner not speaking up here in Yorkshire apart from the folk listening to music
Feb 2016
8:12pm, 21 Feb 2016
4,367 posts
The majority acknowledge my nod, hand wave or 'mornin/afternoon/evenin'.
Feb 2016
8:26pm, 21 Feb 2016
6,943 posts
Saw three runners today. One waved. One... well, I rounded a corner, saw him on the left side of the path and moved to the right to stay out of his way. A few seconds later he deliberately crossed the path so I'd have to get out of his way *again*. Bad even by local standards (marching up the middle of the path, then pointedly moving to the same side as you so you'll have to move to is the norm).
Feb 2016
8:29pm, 21 Feb 2016
998 posts
Depends where I am! Runners in town are hit and miss, out in the middle of nowhere, very friendly!
I find the most ignorant people occur within a 0.75 mile radius of Sutton Bank visitor centre. These are the sorts of people who put on their best Hunters and flat caps* but don't stray any further than the tea shop. Ignorant bunch. But they aren't runners!
*The people who wear their Hunters and flat caps for real (farmers, game keepers etc) are all very friendly and will have a proper chat, never mind a smile on the way past!
Feb 2016
8:46pm, 21 Feb 2016
3,658 posts
Steampunk seratonin
Good thread. I am generally dismayed by the number of people who CBA to acknowledge a greeting. I will start noting what I get on my future runs and compare on here.
Feb 2016
8:55pm, 21 Feb 2016
283 posts
I cant ever remember not having a greeting returned, thats not to say there is a greeting between myself and ever runner I pass, but I never turn one down and always receive one back if I give one. But then the running community (and cycling) are a right friendly bunch in the Greenock area.
Feb 2016
9:11pm, 21 Feb 2016
2,199 posts
Ninky Nonk
I get a pretty good response rate. Headphone wearers normally are a bit oblivious.
If I'm running in a group though I find people less inclined to say hi. I suppose it's a bit more intimidating.
Feb 2016
9:13pm, 21 Feb 2016
20,268 posts
Derby Tup
If I'm out with the club and we meet a non-member I usually try to sign them up. We've gained z few new runners this way
Feb 2016
9:18pm, 21 Feb 2016
472 posts
I'm a London runner.... And I think the last time someone acknowledged me was when I was outside of London. I ran in Richmond park today with a lovely dog (borrowed) and not one person spoke to me. Maybe I should remember my kiwi roots and go back to saying a cheery hello to every runner I see.