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A coaching thread

68 watchers
Nov 2014
4:40pm, 26 Nov 2014
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The difficulty I have with the self-evaluation is that I have a tendency to be very hard on myself, and often fail to see any good in what I have done or sometimes the other extreme and cannot see where improvement might be made - sounds a little manic that but it is how it is.

I have a great group though and they generally know what I want from each session, except that next Monday's session we have only done once before, and it hurts
Nov 2014
4:45pm, 26 Nov 2014
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SODIron © 2002
yeah the self evaluation stuff can be very tricky, most of us are VERY self-critical and can easily get focused on what didn't go well and miss the stuff we do do well (snigger, I said 'do do'). It's not an was skill to master however self-evaluation really does help both the athlete and the coach.
Nov 2014
4:46pm, 26 Nov 2014
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SODIron © 2002
edit: an easy skill to master...
Nov 2014
5:05pm, 26 Nov 2014
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SODIron © 2002
I'm a mentee on the National Coach Development Programme (NCDP) for Endurance so have been reviewed many times...Here's some sample questions I use as part of my mentor/mentee session reviews;

What did I want to achieve for myself? What was my personal goal?
What did I want the group to be able to achieve at the end (ie competence)?
In trying to achieve my goals, what went well?

What else went well?
What about…, how did that go?
If I had a chance to do it again, what would I do differently?
What didn’t go to plan?
What was I less happy about?

What about…?
How else…?
How could that have been achieved?

These are great questions to help coaches self-evaluate....
Nov 2014
5:29pm, 26 Nov 2014
178 posts
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Thanks I will give these a try
Dec 2014
10:24pm, 9 Dec 2014
5,127 posts
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We tried our new format session tonight - based on feedback. Mixed session of core and fast 400m laps. People worked in pairs, moving through sets of core exercises in turn with a fast 400m after each set. People were pretty positive at the end so both Alan and I were pleased :)
Dec 2014
9:37am, 10 Dec 2014
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Did a pyramid session yesterday - not coached by me but by someone who runs faster than I would. 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 1 minutes on, with 1 minute recovery each. I was staggered by how people refused to take their recovery. 90% of the group just chased after the guy in front instead of slowing down, and by the time we were halfway through they were already shot. The whistle for the interval would go and their pace would barely change. As I did take the recoveries, by the time the minute was over I was anything up to 50 yards behind the pack, but in the interval I would easily catch people that should be ahead of me with a level start. 1 minute recovery is very little so why not take it? I don't get it.

Next time I take an interval session I will remind people - the slower the recovery, the faster the intervals, the faster the intervals, the more good they do you. Otherwise it's just a half-arsed tempo session, surely.
Dec 2014
9:46am, 10 Dec 2014
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Wriggling Snake
Sod, that looks straight outof the CiRF course, and looks right, the secret is to decide what you're trying to do for yourself and for the people you're looking after.

Spleen, that always happens, you have to be very strict and actually force them, for their own good, keep saying to take their recoveries.

Having said that, my sessionw as a bit of a shambles last night, one of our coaches didn't tunup, so I had 2 groups, my middle group who are very closely matched and the slowest group who are all over the shop with "socail" runners. So the session I planned was binned, shame as for once I was going to do some nice exercises, flying 10s, manily, for a change, we don't do alot of that sort of stuff.

Any how,

middle 5 * 1k, 250m jog recovers, after a good warm up
slower, 4 or 5 * 750, 90 secs walk recoveries (which some didn't do), good warm up..

People all over the shop, I remeber how it was always like this before we had more coaches......
Dec 2014
12:28pm, 10 Dec 2014
23,435 posts
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Merry Christmas & HappyNewG(rrr)
Are your club coaches paid WS or is it all voluntary?
Dec 2014
3:41pm, 10 Dec 2014
113 posts
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A good hill repeats session for a mixed ability group is this:
All start together at the bottom of a longish hill (400m) when fastest runner reaches the top, he turns and jogs back down 'collecting' the slower runners as he decends. This brings back all runners to the bottom again with the slower runners having run a shorter distance than the faster ones. Repeat to taste

About This Thread

Maintained by Autumnleaves
A thread for the various coaches and run group leaders here to share thoughts, experiences & good ideas!

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