5k swim challenge - any takers?

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Jun 2021
5:46pm, 6 Jun 2021
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ITG 🇮🇸
I managed a straight 2km in just under 40 min today which was most encouraging. My pacing was also very steady (first 200m slow as I warmed up then all between 1.54 and 1.57).

My main problem is that my head starts to hurt after about 20min because of my goggles and it gradually gets worse. By the end of my 2km, it was horrible and I could not have gone on much longer. If I have my goggles looser, they leak; but if they are tight, my head hurts with any prolonged use without a break.

Any goggle tips?

Also looking for nutrition tips: since the aim is to swim 5km without stopping, does that exclude stopping for a quick gel half-way through? It will take me about 1hr 40min and I would rarely even run for that long without something to eat. I know the answer is "it's up to me" because this is not an actual competition but I want to do it properly! What's the usual drill in a 5km competition, pool or open-water?
Jun 2021
6:21pm, 6 Jun 2021
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Nice swimming ITG.
The only suggestion I can think of with googles is maybe try a different brand/style? Do you use pool style googles or open water type? Whichever you're using - try the other?
For nutrition, I was thinking about taking an energy drink in a tow float - I've never tried that before, but it it likely to take me 2 hours so I will need something.
I did a 6k swim once and there were 2 very nice ladies in a boat handing out jelly babies - do you know anyone with a boat? :-)
Jun 2021
6:25pm, 6 Jun 2021
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ITG 🇮🇸
I'll be in a pool, Sweetie so it is very easy to leave a gel on the side and tread water for a few seconds. I draw the line at not pushing off the wall and trying to turn round without a wall every 25m though!
Jun 2021
6:32pm, 6 Jun 2021
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Ahh, in a pool! Maybe not a boat then! :-)
I hadn't even considered that that you'd be in a pool as swim slots here are limited to 50-60 mins. I'll be going round and round (and round and round) a dock, I could leave some stuff on the water's edge but, knowing my luck, some local urchins will run off with it!
Jun 2021
6:36pm, 6 Jun 2021
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ITG 🇮🇸
Would you consider it acceptable in the spirit of the challenge to stop and take a gel after, say, 3km? As long as I don't touch the bottom or hang on the edge?
Jun 2021
6:52pm, 6 Jun 2021
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In the spirit of the challenge, I can't see anything wrong with touching the bottom or hanging on the edge to have your gel, but I think of it more as a personal challenge, so if you're happier doing it treading water then go for it!

I can guarantee you, I will be touching the bottom to get my drink / gel out of the tow float, if I tried that treading water I'd end up filling the tow float with water and sinking myself! :-O
Jun 2021
6:51am, 7 Jun 2021
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Some of the longer open water swims make you leave the water after each lap (to be counted and to take on nutrition). Others will have a platform set up to leave drinks and gels on. So stopping for a few seconds is perfectly fine in the spirit of the challenge.

I personally don’t take a drink for anything up to 5k, but that’s because drinking and swimming makes me nauseous - I’ve had to abandon long swims because I couldn’t carry on after drinking.

Also, if you’re swimming outdoors bear in mind that your drink or gel will be sat in the sun for an hour or two. Hot energy drink is not pleasant!
Jun 2021
7:30am, 7 Jun 2021
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ITG- if you have to have your goggles so tight they hurt then I think they aren’t fitting your eye socket. Try a different fit as Sweetie suggests. Before you swim you should be able to get a them to *gently* suction to your sockets, so that if you pull them you feel them holding on to your skin but you could break that hold with slightly firmer pulling. The head band shouldn’t need to be so tight it is giving you so much pain. That sounds horrible.
Jun 2021
9:03am, 7 Jun 2021
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ITG 🇮🇸
Aw, you are so fab! Thanks for all the advice. My pool is outside but there is a diving block so I can hopefully stick a gel and water in the shade under that (assuming it is not blowing a gale!)

I'll "borrow" my son's diving style goggles and see if they work better for me. They might also be better for seeing the watch to check my laps. I've never got on brilliantly with goggles but when I was always stopping every few hundred metres, it wasn't that bad. The discomfort starts around the eyesockets and gets progressively worse until it proper hurts. I can't do that for the best part of 2 hours without being utterly miserable! But I don't want to spend a hairy fortune on endless pairs of goggles.
Jun 2021
9:43am, 7 Jun 2021
25,707 posts
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Swim of 2 parts with Australian style exit going from indoor 25m pool to outdoor 30m pool!

Total if 2.8k

About This Thread

Thread for advice and encouragement for a 5km swim challenge, inspired by the OSW couch 2 5k swim programme: outdoorswimmingsociety.com

You don't have to do it open water and you don't have to do it by any particular date.

It's a challenge, not a race.

Fetch event here:


BTW, there is a 5k, swim badge. Just saying.

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