May 2017
9:26am, 25 May 2017
8,002 posts
Well done Ev, my husband came in last night and told me it had been 24 driving home! But crazy to think last year I ran in 40+ in oman with high humidity and didn't struggle as much. I'm sure I'll acclimatise.
Ran back in to work this morning another warm run but not as hot.
Jun 2017
12:59pm, 2 Jun 2017
8,003 posts
Well here is another week gone and another month started.
Quite happy with my stats, 80 for May and 297 for the year. Its long run day today and I'm grateful this morning's rain has passed and that its not sunny.... but how flipping hard is it to find an interesting enough long run route???
Today's plan is 12 miles so I've got 3 options of hubby dropping me 12 miles away and I run home and 2 loops of 'around' 12 mile but while this is do-able I'm starting to fret about needing to do upward of 20 its going to feel like an eternity - what the heck is 26 going to be like??? so grateful I'm doing the race with a fetchie friend.
Well no good procrastinating here best get myself out the door - then I'll be back quicker for a lie down lol
Jun 2017
1:46pm, 2 Jun 2017
4,217 posts
Hope your run went well GG, great going.
muggy short run/walk today to make 3 this week , hoping this can be the start of some consistency, only a tiny trace of the chest cold left.
Good Luck everyone
Jun 2017
7:07am, 6 Jun 2017
8,009 posts
Hope the last of the chest issues go soon banjo & you get your vibe back.
My run went really well 12m much faster than my previous long run. Did another 4 on Sunday and having 2 days rest, planning to run with club tomorrow (although forecast is dreadful) and then Blaydon Race on Friday.
I've felt really run down so think I may have been pushing a bit much and don't want to but or risk injury so safer easing back for a while.
This weather isn't helping neither!
Jun 2017
1:10pm, 6 Jun 2017
252 posts
Hi folks, it's been a while!
My running has been a bit hit and miss for a while for one reason and another. A few weeks ago I did the Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge with some colleagues from work so my training focus had been on walking prior to that and then my first run after that I injured my foot. At the time it felt serious but a couple of weeks of rest and stretches seem to have worked and I managed a couple of pain free runs last week.
I'm way off target mileage and fitness wise at the moment. The two runs last week should have been an easy pace but I was putting in more than an easy effort. I have a half marathon on the 25th which now will be a case of just getting round and I really need to focus on getting my mileage up ready for the Birmingham marathon later in the year.
Hopefully things will go to plan now but may need to adjust my training plan to allow for not having the base mileage I was hoping to have at this stage.
Jun 2017
4:55pm, 6 Jun 2017
173 posts
Despite not running much lately, I seem to have increased my pace a bit, generally hovering much closer to 10m/m than usual. Just need to get the mileage back up, so I can catch up on the target.
Jun 2017
8:34pm, 6 Jun 2017
4,218 posts
Geordiegirl - sounds wise, tough being under the weather when the weather is like this hope you pick up quickly.
Hallucyn - take it easy and enjoy your half
Grastgirl - faster is positive, good luck building the mileage. Am well behind the target myself, but optimistic can get there eventually.
Jun 2017
10:07pm, 10 Jun 2017
8,013 posts
Howdy well i did Blaydon last night and got me a 7min PB on last year and same route (they often change it so a genuine PB!!)
Geordiemum did great coming in at 1h13m she is amazing!
Got up and dragged myself to Parkrun we had Steve Cram starting the run today. I pootled round and amazed myself to not be too far of my SB. Ran there and back and got drenched.
Been shattered all day today so rest planned for next 3 days.
Good luck with your half Hally just assess your goal and enjoy the run. And great running grast_girl my pace is up and down but learning to be happy just being out there doing my best.
Thanks banjo.
Jun 2017
11:18pm, 10 Jun 2017
1,977 posts
Surrey Phil
Well done, everyone. Some good going there.
No run for me this morning and probably not tomorrow either as my left knee feels quite sore. Very weak this morning and painful. I've had a support on throughout the day and it's a bit better but far from what I would like ahead of a long weekend run.
Jun 2017
11:18am, 17 Jun 2017
4,243 posts
GG - Well done on the PB
Phil - hope the knee is on the mend
4th run/walk of the week this morning, hoping can keep this up, might get a blackheart tomorrow if upto another outing