May 2022
5:12pm, 23 May 2022
5,327 posts
Fenland Flier
I have the app too.
May 2022
5:58pm, 23 May 2022
18,036 posts
I always have my phone with me more so I can tell hubby that I’m going off piste as invariably I find a path to explore.
May 2022
6:20pm, 23 May 2022
18,038 posts
Fantastic 3m run tonight - I felt amaZing!!!
May 2022
6:35pm, 23 May 2022
7,726 posts
That's good GG, well done.
The club is doing a measured mile session on the grass track tomorrow evening, but unfortunately, I won't be able to partake.
May 2022
8:55pm, 23 May 2022
5,328 posts
Fenland Flier
Oh no that's a shame hillstrider.
May 2022
9:56pm, 23 May 2022
18,040 posts
Can you be cheering squad hs?
May 2022
9:17am, 24 May 2022
5,321 posts
It's all been said now..yes..carrying your phone in your hand ( like I see a lot of runners doing) is asking for it to be damaged. I have an arm belt or use the zip pocket in my shorts. The app "what three words" is a brilliant safety thing.
Hope you're getting over the fall now hs. You're having a time of it Lesley so hope the niggles subside quickly. Hope the "amazing" continues gg. Another four miles odd this morning but trails instead of road . Can't believe how well the weather has been behaving!
May 2022
9:45am, 24 May 2022
2,475 posts
Looby Loo
I pushed to do 5 this morning but about 80% humidity and 23 degrees makes for tough going. Having to go at 7:30. Trying to combat the “all inclusive” I am able to snooze at the pool later on. Hard life I know.
Hope you’re feeling ok today HS.
Glad you’re on the mend GG. Nice one Steve.
May 2022
10:40am, 24 May 2022
7,730 posts
GG, the grass running track is in the grounds of a local Academy, so there won't be any spectators.
I had a bad night Steve, as my left side was hurting and kept waking me up. Looking on the bright side though, I felt better than expected when I got up, and did the usual farmers walk with my shopping. I did buy less than usual however, so the bags would be lighter. I'm hoping to be running, or jogging at the weekend. Well done for your trail 4 miler.
Well done LL for your 5 miles in hot and humid conditions.
Thanks yes I'm feeling better today which surprised me after a bad night's sleep 😴
May 2022
4:08pm, 24 May 2022
499 posts
Just catching up on everything. Sorry to hear about your call HS, seems you are on the mend. Well done LL with running in the heat.
As for myself just ticking over until my ride on Sunday. Rode 47 miles on Sunday in just over 3 hours. Back to my number 1 love of running and testing the Achilles to ensure my recovery is still on track