Dec 2024
8:16am, 18 Dec 2024
7,340 posts
I missed your finish FF! Fabulous to have done it after the cba periods. Well done. I lost my enthusiasm for races hs when my injury became a disability all those years ago and racing became pointless. Your efforts re WAVA are clearly the way to go and you're quite on the crest of a wave
Ugh to an Achilles problem Mr HSc, hope your new approach shows an improvement.
Ugh too to your bug Lesley so look after yourself. Yeah, you were hovering perfectly on target LL, maybe the bug will go and you can put a few more miles in , but what the heck, 900 odd is great in itself. Exciting finishes ahead EGreig and Falcarius, good luck . If I was doing proper miles and proper running hs I wouldn't be streaking! It's mainly because my miles and efforts are so low it is no imposition or real difficulty to pop out and do a mere mile. I'm lucky to have done over a 1000 this year and only because of stubborness and consistency.
Dec 2024
9:31am, 18 Dec 2024
4,187 posts
Lesley C
Get well soon LL.
Hope you see an improvement with the new shoes Mr HSc.
Good luck and fingers crossed you both reach your targets Ed and Falcarius.
Dec 2024
10:12am, 18 Dec 2024
67 posts
GB: Thanks for the podcast suggestion (Young hearts run free) I'm home alone tomorrow so should be able to listen. Loved the Candi Station song it takes its name from so we're off to a good start.
Liked the wisdom of the crowd on here about longs keeping the muscles warm so made the change on Monday night. However it was to warm so back in shorts yesterday.
Steve: don't down play your running, it's wonderfully impressive.
5 miles and 5km to add making 1053.6
Dec 2024
10:51am, 18 Dec 2024
25,722 posts
Bit late keeping up on this thread, starting with a huge well done for the 1000 FF, enjoying your running again is more important than a number (as I am telling myself as I have also fell very short of my stretch 1500 target)
Lesley & Loo sorry to hear you've come down with one of these awful viruses, hope you are both well soon and before the festivities start, and hope the wee man is fighting fit for Santa's visit also.
Here's to stubborness Steve, you are doing so well against the odds your health is putting you at, that you keep going and haven't given in is brilliant - long may you continue. How is Vicky's arm? hope that is looking better for her now too.
Hope you enjoy YHRF, I love having them in my ears on my runs, like chatting with 2 or 3 mates and lots of excellent nuggets, my other fave is Tea & Trails with Edwina Sutton and Gary Thwaites.
Unusually for me I am struggling to get motivated in the dark cold damp mornings and work is hitting an absolute max - I can't even find time to take my other 1/2 day I planned and I'm still carrying over 5 days. I have acknowledged that December is a very busy social month, lots of prep and planning for Christmas and other than January the busiest month of the year preparing the data ahead of end of year close out. So cutting myself some slack has been necessary and trying not to stress over the lack of movement. I hope to make the most of a some days off work and maybe get one more longer (10+m run in over the break)
Dec 2024
11:16am, 18 Dec 2024
13,180 posts
Festive Flier
GG it really does sound like the department is short staffed if it takes so much time to get the information together in the time you have. You always seem to be struggling getting everything together in the time frame you have, that includes the conference earlier this year.
Dec 2024
11:20am, 18 Dec 2024
25,723 posts
I feel we are, we lost the team administrator just as I joined and since I’ve joined the case load has doubled.
The board are more hands on with certain issues so that brings with it more work. It’s so crazy.
Hence asking for a reevaluation of my grade and if I don’t get it I will step back and they can bring another person in. That could include me leaving completely!
Dec 2024
11:28am, 18 Dec 2024
13,182 posts
Festive Flier
Does your line manager know you're short staffed? Could you do your own hours and pull it together on time or get the time back if you work over? I'd be no different tbh to get the job done but would resent it too.
Dec 2024
1:31pm, 18 Dec 2024
25,726 posts
Yes, its even been mentioned by the big boss but there is little appetite to do much about it, I guess while we're not dropping any balls are they bothered?
I struggle to do the basic hours so no chance of getting time back, again, he and big boss have mentioned on numerous occasions the hours I put in, even in the big team meeting last week that I have pulled what they need even if its late at night. What I am doing is being more flexible in my start time, so when I can motivate myself out for a morning run I'm not restricted to getting back for xx and same at lunchtimes. I always say I'll spend 1/2hr doing some meal prep when I make a cup of tea, but invariably its Andrew who makes the drinks.
I have worked at an absolute max for a good 12+ years so I guess its normal for me these days! Must try harder to use my annual leave though. (and check the days have carried formally, they are on my manual chart)
Dec 2024
1:47pm, 18 Dec 2024
13,184 posts
Festive Flier
Make the most of your Christmas break.
Dec 2024
2:13pm, 18 Dec 2024
16,643 posts
Sorry, no time to comment on your posts, but I have read back. Things are chaotic at present with no water in the S0 Region. Promised water stations haven't arrived, and people like me on the priority services register, haven't had the Promised delivery of water bottles.
I went out for my run and returned to lack of water.
I did an interval session with Mike along the marina comprising 5 x 100, 5 x 200 and 4 x 400 metres.