1000 miles in 2025
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Par by the end of today is 197.3
Jun 2024
10:46am, 10 Jun 2024
6,937 posts
!!! None of my current sessions are "proper"!! I think, after donkeys years of trotting (!) it all depends what you want from running. My running used to be made up of "proper" sessions and quite regimented in order to hit PB's and do well in races with the running club. My focus and sessions changed with permanent injury and there was no real need to pursue things in the same way . Of course proper sessions will help maintain "where I'm at" to a degree but I guess it's now a question of "what IS a proper session?"! You've alluded to it well gg ...that fun and enjoyable sessions count too!
Jun 2024
11:02am, 10 Jun 2024
22,585 posts
I like the fun and enjoyable sessions too much Steve after most of my running was solo the odd one with my mam I’m really loving the social ones with friends. That said I do enjoy the intervals and loving the strength too and only reason I’m trying on hills is to expand the events I can take on. I don’t race never will I am a completer not a competer happy doing it my way. But my slow speed does mean a lot of events out of my reach. Well done on what sounds like a nice 5.1m. |
Jun 2024
12:04pm, 10 Jun 2024
15,231 posts
That was an impressive increase in pace LL, especially with the variation in distance. That sounded like a challenging run in Scotland with your Coach GG. Social runs are important to me too, but I also like solo runs, where I tend to experiment with pace, cadence, style etc. Well done Steve for your 5.1 miles on trails this morning. I agree that training sessions have to be adapted to meet changing circumstances. This morning was a 10k road run with a running friend. |
Jun 2024
3:22pm, 10 Jun 2024
3,870 posts
Lesley C
Sounds like a tough run GG but nice to meet others and run with your coach. The Scottish hills can be tough, even the small ones local to me are tough. I like a hill workout. Well done everyone on your miles, good to see you getting some decent mileage Steve. I did a short run early on Saturday, I was RD at Parkrun so had to be there earlyish to setup. I have been feeling quite tired recently so skipped a run yesterday. Was meant to go on the treadmill this morning (at work btw) to test our new blood pressure machine but the treadmill wouldn't go on so we had to skip it. |
Jun 2024
8:02pm, 10 Jun 2024
11,976 posts
Fenland Flier
EdGreig wrote: Been reading a lot about the importance of really going easy on the easy runs (Not letting the ego get involved!) so tried to take my long run today very slowly and breath through my nose. Definitely long slow runs are an important part of a training plan alongside tempo and interval sessions, add in hill reps and personally I think you're onto a winner. Nice running over the weekend folks I've not ran as I've been away with my mate for the weekend and today was rather wet when I woke so I had breakfast instead of getting drenched. |
Jun 2024
10:25am, 11 Jun 2024
15,235 posts
I also agree about the importance of long slow runs, or LSD long slow distance, as they are often referred to. The usual Tuesday Farmers Walk this morning, and looking forward to tomorrow's hill reps session. |
Jun 2024
11:05am, 11 Jun 2024
6,939 posts
I think you've nailed your running well gg. I admire you for being able to be a "completer" and anyone else who enjoys that involvement. Rightly or wrongly my ego denies me that! I'm somewhat stuck in my past and try as I might it remains frustrating. When I began running competitiveness quickly entered the psyche, I remember (hs might too!) that "fun running" was scorned by us , possibly overly precious club runners. It's a good thing that attitudes have changed. I do note though that a local race now stipulates that entrants have to be able to be able to run 10 minutes miles for 10k . And that's an off road thing. It has a lot to do with how long marshalls, path closures etc need to be in place. Enough of that , I couldn't even be a completer currently! Did another 4 miles this morning along trails. That was enough! Hope your tiredness lifts Lesley. Good farmers walk again hs, hope the hill reps go well tomorrow. |
Jun 2024
11:22am, 11 Jun 2024
22,599 posts
wow I couldnt even consider entering that event steve!! I think it helps that due to ill health running competitively wasn't a thing. That said I was a pretty good runner at school, always placed in the cross country and the 100m/200m sprints I was fairly good at too but you had to be in the teachers favour to get picked for any teams. I did play netball and hockey but I always loved the running. There is still some of the elitism around with club runners, my club are not outwardly but the awards and shout outs are still reserved for the fast runners. On the value of LSR, I have listened to many podcasts where the runners say that, they also talk about junk miles aka just running without purpose so LSR is exactly that, add in a hill/interval session and recovery runs you're there and one thing I'm finding so helpful is strength training. Hope you had a lovely weekend FF, good miles been added steve and I do feel for you struggling with just running and wishing you had the speed/pace of yesteryear but with the long covid you're doing amazing to be out there still!! and of course great running and farmers walking as always hs Maybe the treadmill sensed your tiredness Lesley, hope you're feeling recovered and rested soon. I went out with geordiemum last night and we paced perfectly 15.04, 15.5 and 15.07! Out this morning with a series of garmin errors - running while paused, talking to friends while not paused what a disaster but another 8m added to the bank so happy enough. |
Jun 2024
2:01pm, 11 Jun 2024
15,237 posts
I do remember Steve when fun running was frowned on. Races consisted nearly 100% club runners. I feel ashamed now to admit that 10 minute miling was considered to be walking. I'm amazed now that you have discovered a local race stipulating that runners must be able to run 10 minutes miles for 10k. I'm running a 10k race in a couple of weeks, and won't get under the hour, yet I still consider myself to be a serious competitor. This smacks of serious discrimination. Parkruns don't have any such restrictions, in fact slower runners and walkers are encouraged, and marshalls remain at their posts until the last runners and walkers have finished. I know that parkruns aren't races, before you all start shouting at me 😁 Well done for this mornings 4 miles on trails, and thanks for your appreciation of my Farmers Walks, and training sessions. GG, I was a fairly average runner at school, but always did better at the longer distances. I was never a sprinter, but did quite well in the sack races 🤣 Thanks for your encouragement, I hope to keep running and farmer walking for as long as possible. Well done for last night's run with geordiemum and this mornings 8 miles. |
Jun 2024
9:03am, 12 Jun 2024
6,941 posts
gmum is doing great stuff and so nice that you can share and enjoy gg. I'm sure your 10k race will reflect your excellent training regime hs. Interesting thought about discrimination in races hs. I think I must correct myself ...the race with pace recommendations is a relay race so there is a logic behind it. It will be entered almost exclusively by club runners at the top end of abilities. Sorry to have misled you all. Only did a mile this morning to check on my HR etc.So far there's no change since taking the medication but it's only ten days in and it's a six week trial. Plenty of time yet. |
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