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1000 miles in 2019

30 watchers
Jul 2019
5:00pm, 8 Jul 2019
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Thanks Steve, that was the first race that I had the confidence to push the pace, since my injury in June 2017. The half marathons that I have run since, have all been at a cautious pace. Hope you soon get over the stomach bug.

Just a 6.5 mile recovery run this morning in the forest with Sarah.
Jul 2019
11:26pm, 8 Jul 2019
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Steve, when it was my 70th birthday I asked my wife if she would go for a run with me on my birthday. She said she would run for 70 minutes with me; that was quite an achievement for her as she had never run that far before. When it was her own 70th last year, she decided to do a 10-mile sponsored run for our grandson's newly opened school (for severely autistic children).
Jul 2019
9:54am, 9 Jul 2019
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Bug gone! Five miler this morning in continued wonderful summery weather.
Jul 2019
10:42am, 9 Jul 2019
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Good to hear that your bug has gone Steve. Ironically, I've a bit up a stomach upset this morning, so I cancelled my spin session.
Jul 2019
2:04pm, 10 Jul 2019
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I've come across a few folks who have had upset stomachs this last few days..hope you're back to normal quickly hillstrider.
Forgot to mention --your wife is some runner Evangel, that's a helluva achievement to do a ten miler on her birthday..
The summery weather continues down here. I notice very many more women running these days than formerly, it seems that they are more inclined to look after themselves and enjoy being outdoors than a lot of blokes no matter what their age. And, an aside, the women's football World Cup was , in my opinion, far more exciting and worthwhile watching than the men's game!
Jul 2019
4:40pm, 10 Jul 2019
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The increase in the numbers of women running is fabulous (although a lot of them do seem to need to invest in a well fitting sports bra!). At Reading Endure 24 52% of runners were women, although I have to say it felt as though there were more men than women to me!
Jul 2019
5:50pm, 10 Jul 2019
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I'm ok today thanks Steve, and ran 6.8 miles in the forest this morning. My legs were feeling a bit heavy, until they loosened up a bit, and it was very hot and humid.
You are right about more women running, and in the spin class, there are usually just 3 of us men, and the rest women. We're not complaining though!! Also agree about the women footballers. They are very skilful and tactical, and don't collapse on the pitch if an opponent gets too close, like the men do. In the good old days, men were men, and tough shoulder charges were all part of the game. Sir Stanley Mathews who you older peeps will remember, never got sent off for fouling, but had the sharpest elbows in the business!

MrsB, there were 805 finishers in Sundays NF 10 mile and I believe there were more women then men. There were 112 running clubs that entered, some arriving by coach and staying on after the race for barbecues. A very friendly atmosphere which is normal for off road races.
Jul 2019
5:14pm, 11 Jul 2019
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A steady 8.76 mile in the forest this morning with Sarah. It was very hot and humid, and we didn't see any other runners, which is unusual.
I've slipped to 4th in the league table.
Jul 2019
6:20pm, 11 Jul 2019
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So it felt like there were more men than women in the Endure Mrsb!! What can one say about that?!!!
What a slip hillstrider! You're regular distances will see you ploughing forward again I reckon! I remember playing in the school soccer team and hefty shoulder barges were very much a part of the game without the outcome of an opponent grovelling on the floor! Incidentally, I always avoided school running events!
I'm moving up step by step......slowly...
Jul 2019
3:57pm, 12 Jul 2019
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Good to see that you are still climbing up the league table Steve.

A rest day today, so I caught the bus, using my OAP bus pass (whilst we still have them!) into Southampton, and bought another pair of Asics 1000V7 in a Sale. I'll try them out tomorrow, but probably on roads, so as not to got them dirty lol.

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Maintained by Lesley C
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