Jan 2012
9:34pm, 8 Jan 2012
5,609 posts
I'm behind with just 8 miles this week but I kinda have other distractions currently.
Jan 2012
11:12pm, 8 Jan 2012
69 posts
Hi All
I'd like to join in for 1000 miles for 2012 - managed 870 odd last year which was my highest ever.
I'm a bit hit and miss on the boards but will get on whenever I can.
Good luck everyone
Jan 2012
1:33pm, 9 Jan 2012
63 posts
It seems most people go for their runs after work. Are there many other people like me that go out in the morning before? I'm up at 4.50 to get out the door by 5. It can be tough getting out of bed sometimes, but once you are out (particularly on a nice morning like today's) it is great as there are not many cars or people around. It also feels good going to work knowing you have already got that run under your belt. Another 6.7 miles this morning and ahead of target by 2 miles!
Jan 2012
1:35pm, 9 Jan 2012
29 posts
I trained all last summer in the mornings and loved it, not sure how this marathon training will go as the dark mornings are a no no for me, so rescheduling my work diary around running
Jan 2012
1:41pm, 9 Jan 2012
65 posts
It's tough to fit in sometimes isn't it. Mornings are really the only option for me and the evenings are dark by the time I get home from work as well at this time of the year anyway. I remember my marathon training involved getting up early on a Saturday too to get my long run out of the way. That was hard! Good luck J*C
Jan 2012
2:31pm, 9 Jan 2012
280 posts
5am is not the morning!
5am is definitely still "night"!
Jan 2012
2:32pm, 9 Jan 2012
5,617 posts
It's dark when I get home form work at the moment (if I was actually going to work currently and not to the local ICU), but I switch to the gym and dreadmill running of an evening at this time of year.
Another 6 miles done this morning there.
Jan 2012
2:38pm, 9 Jan 2012
3,270 posts
i struggle to get out of bed at 6 for work let alone any earlier! i always run at lunch if work allows, or evenings. I even found myself doing a 10pm run on the dreadmill last Thursday because I was in Paris all day. Morning runs are a definite no for me unfortunately!
Jan 2012
2:40pm, 9 Jan 2012
1,325 posts
Me too. Evenings only.
Apart from early LSR on a Sunday, mainly so I ca fit it in around all the rest of the family.
Good running everybody. Only a week till the first list!
Jan 2012
3:21pm, 9 Jan 2012
1,210 posts
I've tried the early starts to get a run in, but by the end of the week I'm just knackered and struggle with my long run on a Sunday, so stick to lunchtime and evenings and get the extra hour or so in bed