Nov 2020
4:18pm, 9 Nov 2020
1,266 posts
Take care GG.
8 miles at lunchtime today including a hill session of 8x2mins.
I've not raced since March but have entered a virtual series comprising of a 5k,10k & half. How are you all finding trying to race on your own ?, think I'll find it hard to race on my own but training wise I should be in good form so have to find some mental strength and get into that hurt zone
Nov 2020
4:42pm, 9 Nov 2020
49,671 posts
The only actual race I've done on my own was the Virtual VMLM, and it just happened that my self-selected pace was one I was able to maintain for the distance (I had no direct evidence that this would be the case because I'd only gone to 13.2 miles in training). I've been fortunate in being able to do 5k, 10k, 10 miles and half marathon as actual races this year. I might try an experimental eyeballs-out 5 miles to collect the set and to see if I CAN half-kill myself for 41-42 minutes knowing that there isn't a clock and a medal at the end.
Nov 2020
6:05pm, 9 Nov 2020
7,733 posts
My virtual races have been helped by determining my progress in a league, which has pushed me to race hard as I have no idea whether I've been ahead or behind until a few days later! So far it's paid off.
Nov 2020
6:15pm, 9 Nov 2020
1,010 posts
Supposed to be my long run tonight but only maybe it to 8 miles. Didnt fancy another 3-4 miles.
Nov 2020
7:05pm, 9 Nov 2020
189 posts
I’ve only done 1 virtual race which was a half marathon. I found it quite challenging and I was miles off my usual race pace. I’ve been lucky in the fact that a local run organiser has been running some socially distant races, and I’ve done a couple, they were enjoyable as they’re more trail races so less about time. I’ve been challenging myself with the 100 miles a month, WSW and more recently RTS.
Nov 2020
7:15pm, 9 Nov 2020
2,573 posts
TBR (TheBeardRunner)
Have really struggled with virtual races above 5k and have aborted a couple. Don't plan on trying to get pbs if do anymore as really can't drive myself without people around me. 5k today to make 31/100 today.
Nov 2020
7:33pm, 9 Nov 2020
71,911 posts
Haven't done anything hard in trainers since April. The virtual solo tt doesn't work for me.
Nov 2020
8:03pm, 9 Nov 2020
12,231 posts
I’ve done a few virtual races to keep me focused. Our local parkrun did a 10 week challenge then a 4 week one we now have one taking us to year end.
I’ve done 2 Paras10 and vVLM, LEJOG, The Wall and a few other random ones. Face was a 3k to get my cousins son running and his little brother even joined us it was magic.
Nov 2020
8:05pm, 9 Nov 2020
1,267 posts
Pretty much as I thought then 😂
Thought of pushing hard on a solo half isn’t that appealing, I may put it out there to see if somebody quick fancies pacing me (and carry my water 😂)
Will have a go at the 5k first, probably do the local parkrun course and not look at the watch.
Nov 2020
9:02pm, 9 Nov 2020
9,497 posts
39.5/1000 better than las month so far