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Sussex Beacon Half Marathon

Listed by fetcheveryone
Entrants (13)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Garf Well it was a bit chilly and the climb up the top of the cliffs was tough but I got there in the end.

Half Marathon 13.1m 02h:19m:14s Placing 1,971th

Will update with more details when I dont ache so much ;o) 

13.1 miles, 2h 19m, Ave HR 161, Ave Pace 10:38. 

1st mile 09:18 6.4mph Pace 09:16 HR156
2nd mile 09:34 6.2mph Pace 09:33 HR166
3rd mile 09:45 6.1mph Pace 09:45 HR170
4th mile 10:21 5.7mph Pace 10:32 HR168
5th mile 10:39 5.6mph Pace 10:37 HR165
6th mile 10:42 5.5mph Pace 10:44 HR154
7th mile 10:49 5.5mph Pace 10:49 HR164
8th mile 12:15 4.9mph Pace 12:14 HR165
9th mile 10:39 5.6mph Pace 10:41 HR162
10th mile 11:21 5.2mph Pace 11:21 HR159
11th mile 12:29 4.8mph Pace 12:29 HR157
12th mile 12:33 4.7mph Pace 12:32 HR155 

Thought I'd better put an update in regarding Half Marathon last Sunday. Legs stopped aching on Wednesday but back is still hurting. Not quite sure what I did but really aching on left hand side of lower back, was hurting when I extended my left leg whilst sitting but that seems to have gone now. Anyway haven't run since Sunday because of back and In time honored tradition all injuries shall receive a name so we now have Barry....Barry the back pain! ...It may require a visit to the Osteopath....but we shall see.

Anyway back to Sunday and the Half Marathon. Had a bit of a panic on Friday night when the Wife said
2:02:02 2:19:14 2:19:14 44.26
Redhill Distict Royal Mail AC, Striders of Croydon AC
1:26:58 1:39:58 1:54:25 51.36
1:53:08 2:09:34 2:09:34 48.53
2:05:22 2:05:22 2:05:22 50.11
1:37:52 1:50:54 2:00:00 1:54:28 50.21
Steyning AC
1:37:33 1:38:20 1:40:41 58.36
martin K
London Underground AC, Runnymede Runners
1:34:45 1:43:06 1:45:51 57.73
Wadhurst Runners
1:20:22 1:39:48 1:37:15 1:40:30 69.42
Ealing, Southall & Middlesex AC
1:35:45 1:39:30 1:44:33 60.79
Smokin' Chi Monk
1:44:30 1:56:10 2:00:00 1:56:10 49.67
StringSideUp First-ever race.  Had no idea how fast I should be going (forgot HRM), was passed by hundreds of people the whole way, but thrilled just to finish-- with no injury.
2:07:09 2:12:10 2:13:13 51.07
Axe Valley Runners
1:53:01 1:58:56 2:06:20 47.59
touche turtle
Hailsham Harriers
1:40:12 1:44:46 1:44:46 60.88

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