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Ranelagh Richmond Half Marathon

Listed by John66
  • Rated 82%
  • 13.1mi
  • Road
Entrants (26)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Clapham Chasers
1:12:36 1:16:42 1:21:20 70.95
MattTheRat After a Reading HM and London Marathon spoiled by illness, this is another attempt at a sub-80 half marathon. ** UPDATE ** No chance in this heat. But an excellent race, overtaking lots of people in the 2nd half. 37th out of 852.
Victoria Park Harriers & Tower Hamlets AC
1:19:59 1:20:30 1:19:59 1:24:30 72.32
The Outlaw Richmond Half Marathon.  Good start (1 mile @ 6:15, then 6:20 miling to halfway), then slowed a little.  Very hot, suffered over last three miles, exhausted at finish, but just caught a group in last 400m.  34/852, MV50 2nd, 5th Ranelagh overall.
Ranelagh Harriers
1:21:16 1:22:33 1:23:00 1:24:05 77.83
TingTong The post FLM optimism well and truly shattered. Still enjoyed the day out.
Exmouth Harriers AAC
1:19:53 1:23:20 1:21:30 1:27:06 67.46
1:23:47 1:27:06 1:33:19 61.59
Binks PLeased with a pb on a really hot day with a bit of a hangover.
Serpentine RC
1:25:43 1:28:59 1:28:00 1:28:59 64.59
BigEvilC Very hot even for 8.30 start , lovely scenic course in parts and pretty flat to, but just didn't have the legs or HR after 5 miles. Still enjoyable morning
Kent AC
1:29:12 1:29:12 1:29:59 1:34:45 65.03
Dave B I'm shocked,  PB!!! no idea where the time came from especially considering how warm it was!! Its was first half since my achillles problem and didnt do anywhere near as much training for this as I should of! I guess i'm going to hurt tomorrow!! Good news is my achilles feels ok.
1:27:05 1:35:51 1:50:00 1:38:52 58.16
elio by far the hottest day of the year.Very scenic half marathon,almost completely flat course.Really happy for my PB.My only complain is that at mile 9 there was the last water station,and i think  that they should had put another one near the end
1:21:38 1:38:15 1:44:00 1:38:15 58.50
Kieren I think that was the time.  Very hot weather made it hard going with very little shade on the route. Toilet break half way round probably added 5 minutes to my time but let the HR settle a I was struggling with a sub-7 pace.  Ran easy along the river as it was shaded giving my body a chance to cool down and also walked through all the water stations. Given all of that, I must say that I am really happy with my time. Calves are very tight now but I haven't lost as much fitness as first thought so should be able to PB at Windsor later in the year.
Serpentine RC, Ealing Eagles Running Club
1:31:11 1:41:00 1:45:00 1:42:09 56.26
1:45:00 1:45:00 1:57:41 50.67
1:45:41 1:45:41 1:45:00
DIY Diva PB attempt.  'nuff said. x UPDATE: This is gun to finish time.  Controversial's garmin read 1:47:24 (mine 1:47:04) THANK YOU, CONTROVERSIAL. X   **oh and ANDREAS, if you join Fetch, 'ello :-) [He's the vomity one]
Ranelagh Harriers, Vets AC
1:42:13 1:48:03 1:48:03 61.88
Bren* Had awful chesty cough
1:46:00 1:48:37 1:55:06 54.58
anne23 Not sure how much the 8:30am start will hurt. And I can't decide whether to get the bus (well, 2 of them) there or cycle. Or what time to actually aim for. No idea what I'm doing at all, in fact. Help. UPDATE: Bah. Sorry to people who bet. Putting in official time because that's what I always do.
1:37:42 1:49:00 1:49:34 1:50:12 57.05
gray Not my finest hour - the problem with running the London Marathon is that one then temporarily views lesser distances with slight disrespect – I went into this run with the attitude that it was barely long enough to de-sensitise the nipples, and paid the price. Further, what I’d thought was a gentle jog along the Thames towpath to Hampton Court and back (I hadn’t read the bumf) turned out to mainly consist of a trawl through the streets of Teddington, Strawberry Hill and Ham, mingling with the dog-walkers, sunday paper gatherers and boot sale diehards. It was also rather warm, especially by the time I finished. Well done to the organisers, though, who were remarkably cheerful bearing in mind the hour.
Cranleigh Tortoise & Hare Runners
1:50:59 1:50:59 2:14:28 47.41
1:49:45 1:53:20 2:05:00 2:08:17 46.12
CB. very hot
1:54:07 1:55:00 2:05:00 48.89
1:56:18 1:56:18 2:01:46 51.59
Kittenheels Kath Ooee that was hot.  Not a PB time, but I'm very very happy that I managed to maintain such an even pace in that heat.  Brought it down to under 9 minutes miles for the last three miles too.  I'd like to thank DDiva for pinning my number on straight, and generally being fab; Kitty for her company during the first three miles; Heals for the chat at mile 5-ish; Sarah for picking me up at mile 11; and Contro for the hug at the end.  Oh and Hollywood for popping up along the way and shouting.
1:58:31 1:59:08 1:59:08 56.12
1:59:37 1:59:37
2:01:33 2:01:33 2:01:33 51.73
Kitty Do not bet! No chance of a PB :(

Hot! Ran with KHKath for the first 3 miles and rapidly realised that I was going to have to slow down in order to get round. Became more of an exercise in self-preservation than of speed but never mind....the race itself was very scenic, plenty of drinks stations and there were lots of lovely fetchies. And I've got a suntan ;)
Serpentine RC
2:00:34 2:06:44 2:11:00 47.95
oprah PB for the first 5K and then it was over for me. Started to struggle with the heat at mile 4, and by mile 6 had the most stubborn of stitches, I am just happy to have finished. Run/walked from mile 5. Amazed I came under 2:20 with all the walking I did. Knee started to go at mile 11.
1:37:20 2:15:55 2:18:37 45.41
Ploddington Bear Looking to improve on last year's Sussex Beacon time and this year's Hastings time Update 03/05 - not likely to PB, struggling with training at the moment. UPDATE - bloody hot, esp after mile 5 or 6 when there seemed to be no shade whatsoever. Was doing sub 10 miles up to mile 5 or so then struggled with heat and lack of energy. Garmin time 2.14 (was at teh back of the starting pack)
2:03:11 2:16:15 2:14:00 2:16:17 47.21
2:26:58 2:30:49 2:36:33 41.54

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