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Prestwold 10km

Listed by Ally2
Entrants (27)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
_j_ Fantastic race! great improvements on last years course weather ideal.
Barrow Runners
50:18 50:18 53:50 54.03
Ally2 The course has changed so should make for quicker times. This will be a quality field as it forms Leics 10k champs and GB Masters champs and know some low/mid 33 guys running who I'm close to. Aiming for PB. 
Got that PB in a quality packed field won by Chris Davies of Telford no less. Splits 1K 3:11, 2K 6:26 3K 9:35, 5k 16:13, 6k 19:32, 8k 26:22, 9K 29:53, 10K 33:19 (gun time). Slowed when into wind at 8k and dug deep for final 2k. 2 groups formed from 1k, I was in 2nd group of 10 packed with Vets. Was in pack til 5k (feeling good at split only 16 secs off 5k PB), then a pack of 6 pushed on and I got dropped. Stayed there until overtaken with 500m left by another vet. Came 15th with 25sec PB so happy. Course was dead flat and fast race. It pulled me through as I'm normally in no mans land from 2k at league races.
Notts AC, Hermitage Harriers RC
29:32 33:19 33:29 33:19 79.24
Boycie It's fast, it's flat, so it's PB terrority. Going against this is the fact that I don't pace 10ks terribly well for some reason - plus this course was very exposed and windy last year. Worth a punt, but don't be disappointed if it goes belly up :-) - UPDATE tough, was windy again plus i haven't been feeling great since friday. Guys i normally stick with left me after a couple of k and then it became a battle of attrition to keep with the big man - racin snail. Managed to go back past him at 9k. Phenomenally strong field - 36.41 only got me 67th place! 88 sub 6 minute milers! The race was the British Masters 10k as well as LRRL - when a v 60 came past me just before 8k, i knew it was time to start trying to move again! 18.04 at 5k - 18.37 second 5k
Exmouth Harriers AAC, Barnt Green Chuggers
34:46 36:02 35:59 36:41 72.00
clifford Great race nice and flat....bit disappointed with the official time as i thought it would be start to finish not gun to finish....especiailly when it took nearly 30 seconds to pass the start line....But a PB by over a minute :-)
Hermitage Harriers RC
47:32 47:32 47:32 56.57
Hermitage Harriers RC
41:51 41:51 41:51 64.25
Deanomite Actual time was 45' 26
Hermitage Harriers RC
43:40 45:46 45:46 59.44
Debbie Crich
Hermitage Harriers RC
55:35 55:35 55:00 55:35 53.19
Hermitage Harriers RC
38:24 39:03
Holme Pierrepont RC
47:04 47:04 47:04 61.17
Happy as Larry
34:34 36:49 36:59 36:49 72.37
hellen Warm and winy but nice and flat, if only I knew I was so close to sub 50 I would have pushed a little more!
100 Marathon Club, Barrow Runners
39:29 50:11 51:00 50:11 58.15
Hen Harrier First race for HH - pleased with time - had nothing left for a sprint finish!
Hermitage Harriers RC
1:08:12 1:12:43 1:12:43 41.37
ironman had a change of heart and took this steady and 70% effort. ironman austria in two weeks today so protection needed. ran this with my 14 year old son who PB in 42mins.
Birstall RC, Leicester Triathlon Club
40:23 41:42 42:24 64.62
Leicester Triathlon Club
32:13 35:44 38:30 35:44 77.54
Hermitage Harriers RC
1:06:49 1:06:49
JovialGnome My apologies to whoever betted on me - rest assured I gave it everything I'd got, just not quite enough to break the hour mark - by way of excuses my twisted ankle of 6 weeks ago has meant I've done nothing like as much training as I should have done but I'm sure my next 10k excursion will see me break that magical barrier! By way of a positive I quite liked the course and thought the race was well organized and it made a refreshing change to finish with over 60 people behind me and, fanfare of trumpets, for the first time in a ling time the ankle doesn't hurt!!
58:37 1:00:00 1:00:43 50.20
LambChop My
Hermitage Harriers RC
54:17 57:20 57:20 50.58
Stilton Striders RC
44:32 46:22 46:22 59.55
Mr Mobs Flat course, so i have heard, 73 minutes possable, did 71 at Aldridge begining of month, if cool would like to do 70 minutes
1:08:07 1:08:55 1:13:00 1:08:55 39.02
Racin Snail Should beat my p.b as that course was tougher(although apparently short) than this one and i'm 2 months training better off. Saying that i reckon i could break 37 on any 10k course at the minute:-)
Result:-) gun time was 36:50 but i'll wait and put the chip time up for all you gamblers out there as my watch said 36:45:-) 20sec p.b so gotta be pleased, other than letting Boycie take me back just before 9k;-) Well done blonde one:-) Update....was some kind of outer mongolian chip timing system that went from gun to tape??????? So fuck it, i'm having my watch time:-)....In my mind...sorry betters...gotta be straight.....
Hermitage Harriers RC
36:50 36:50 36:40 36:50 72.09
Rich963 Watch time - should equate to chip time, as was about 10-15 seconds behind the line.  Splits were: 3.59 3.59 3.54 4.06 4.04 4.07 3.56 4.15 4.15 3.49 - was about on target with 3k to go, but the wind  on the airfield bits for the last few km just took it away from me.  Maybe next time.....
Stilton Striders RC
39:49 40:28 40:28 65.24
Scouse Bird
Fleckney and Kibworth Running Club
50:19 1:01:36 1:01:36 46.74
smurf jo
Hermitage Harriers RC
41:35 46:50 48:00 46:50 63.13
100 Marathon Club, Roadhoggs Leicester AC
42:40 45:57 45:45 45:57 64.66
Ivanhoe Runners
35:25 35:39 35:54 80.05
ThorntonRunner Hopeful of a pb here - have been running well and did 40:06 on a tougher course last week.
UPDATE: Did it! Pleased with that. Kilometre splits: 3:53, 3:55, 3:47, 3:52, 4:00, 4:04, 3:57, 4:10, 4:10, 3:54. Was worried that slowing in the headwind in km 8 and 9 would jeopardise the pb, so pushed it to the limit in km10. Think there's potential for further improvement...
39:47 39:47 39:50 39:47 73.44
Vi Ninety Day Challenge
Burton AC
1:00:20 1:00:20 59:30 1:02:46 42.62

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