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Pier to Pier

  • Rated 81%
  • 7mi
  • Mixed
Entrants (26)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Elvet Striders
53:00 53:00 53:00 56.79
53:04 58:51 58:51 51.89
batmouse It was a cracking race.  A bit cold at the start and hard going on the sand.  But once on the coastal path it was too bliddy hot.  Didnt look at my watch.  Thought i am putting my head down and going for it.  So thats what i did.  Kept up with 2 girls in Red and White striped running vests.  I thought as long as i can keep up with these i think I am doing okay.  Lost one near the end and the other sped up at the finish.  But trailing them kept me going.  Was amazed when i got to Souter.  It was like woah I think I am doing okay! Gulped water.  That ended up my nose.  Kept going though.  Managed to catch up with a guy who passed me at the start.  I managed to get past him.  Whey.  Kept going steady. Then just at the cottages at whitburn PAul and Steve overtook me. So I thought i must be doing okay.  I heard someone say if we keep up this pace we will come i just under the hour.  So i tried to keep up with them.  When I got to Cafe thing at the beach Trish and Claire shouted me on.  It was a good boost.  Kept going but the sandwas hard.  A few people overtook me and thats when i lost the girl with the red and white vest. Got to the finish.  Nearly puked on Moyra ((Sorry)).  Looked at my GArmin. 59.27.  Official result 59:30.  Last years race was 1:06: so i am well chuffed with myself.  xx
59:30 59:30 1:01:00 59:30 57.14
Black Cat Just managed to get under the hour. This is my time and I'm sticking to it!  Good to see a few Fetchies, especially Ha!Ha!,Macca53 and Durham Dawdler.
Stocksfield Striders
59:57 59:57 59:57 53.75
Elswick Harriers
51:26 51:26 51:26 58.52
Jarrow & Hebburn AC
42:33 42:33 42:33 70.11
Elvet Striders
1:00:22 1:00:49 1:00:49 53.49
Vegetarian Cycling & AC, VEGAN RUNNERS UK, Tyne Bridge Harriers
43:41 50:50 50:50 59.21
ForrestGump 0.44
Aycliffe Running Club
50:14 58:00 1:02:00 58:00 51.44
Elvet Striders
48:36 1:00:21 1:02:00 1:00:21 61.39
Ha! Ha! a course pb on a gammy leg..well chuffed.. :-)
North East Veterans AC
50:36 50:36 52:30 50:36 62.15
Tynedale Harriers & AC
47:35 47:35 50:00 47:35 66.09
ktj Shook off the hangover by mile 3 but still a bit of a struggle. Note to self: no red wine before racing
North Shields Polytechnic AC
50:52 50:52 50:52 68.33
Heaton Harriers & AC
1:07:32 1:07:32 1:07:32
macca 53
58:44 1:06:43 1:05:00 1:06:43 53.05
Sedgefield Harriers
49:00 49:00 49:00 49:00 64.18
Elvet Striders
1:15:57 1:15:57 1:15:57 54.79
makizmo 82 TENTATIVE
Heaton Harriers & AC
Mark-R Confirmed after senidng off late. Running with the good lady, not sure on the course - so will be pleased with 95 minutes for the pair of us. Careful if using this to bet though!
57:38 1:33:20 1:35:00 1:33:20 31.97
Middleman An excellent race and a good day out.
North East Marathon Club
47:47 47:47 45:00 47:47 63.55
Sunderland Strollers, FELL PONIES
56:16 58:45 58:45 57.17
northernrunner first time iv done this race as it clashes with the windermere marathon which i decided not to do this year. great route helped by a warm sunny morning. finished 8th
Blackhill Bounders
40:22 40:22 40:22 74.56
PB Fitness Running Club
52:28 53:39 53:39 56.33
psycho1 wanted 1 hr but bad ankle on sand made 1st mile tricky- so have to be happy with time
Not sure of exact distance ?7m or slightly less
1:02:36 1:02:36 1:02:36 61.73
Screeners Not a brilliant race for me, found running on sand very difficult and combined with the usual stomach cramps, didn't feel good at all.  Wasn't expecting to PB as just haven't been doing the training and my Plan B was just to finish and not be last so at least I achieved that.  I have just measured the route I took at 7.10.
Elswick Harriers
1:07:13 1:11:21 1:08:00 1:11:21 46.83
TheScribbler Really enjoyable race. Tough going over the grass and getting the legs turning over after slowing down for gates and steps, but a good race.
1:02:54 1:02:54 1:02:00 1:02:54 53.12

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