Fetch North West Mile

Sat January 31 2009
Listed by Homer
Entrants (25)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Carneddau Triathlon Club
RunningBob I'll be there with the young lady Bobs and maybe even Mrs Bob to make up the 4 x Bob relay.  My first FETCH event but I recognise a few of the usual suspects from Bramhall Park.  Sub 5 will be hard in cold weather.  Great fun - cold wind kept the times down.  SlimJim's suicidal
Wilmslow RC
4:54 4:54 4:59 5:00 82.01
sLickster Blowing a gale and pretty nippy so decided to go for a 5.30. Was about 10th after first 150m! Paced exactly to plan until last 200m when noted Slowboy 25-30 metres in front of me so went flat out. 28 seconds later and I took him just before the line :P
Team derby runner
5:16 5:22 5:30 5:22 70.50
XT2runner on target for 5.30 after 2 laps then faded with stomach cramps but this is a PB as I have never run this distance before. Will remember not to drink lucozade 5 mins before the start!
Wirral AC
5:37 5:37 5:53 69.69
5:45 5:45 5:59 5:45 66.92
Jezzer Bang on the predicted time, but still think I could have run faster.
Chorlton Runners
5:50 5:50 5:50 5:50 75.97
5:53 5:53 6:30 5:53 64.31
jolguk I should have tried harder, but a lovely day.
Dragons RC
5:58 6:05 5:55 6:05 69.77
UltraDunc Only just ! would have preferred Garmin time of 5:47 but he's liar ! Maybe a 12.5 mile run the night before not such good preparation or the 5 mile recovery run in the morning , still I like testing myself ! Next time I'll rest a little and hope that there isnt a gale blowing :-)
Enjoy the credits whoever gambled on me and thanks for the confidence boost .
Salford Metropolitan AC
6:03 6:03 5:59 6:03 69.86
Uniqua The Pink Knight
6:35 6:35 6:30 6:35 64.31
baggio71 Loved it, never run properly on a track before so didnt know what to expect but great fun :)

And as for the cakes well what can I say :)
Congleton Harriers
6:37 6:37 8:00 6:37 58.89
Buckley RC
6:49 6:50 7:59 7:19 59.14
Sushi Had a great time.
7:15 7:15 6:59 7:15 59.16
Doctor K One recorded time only for one mile and that was when I was returning from injury so just jogged it -should be miles faster for this so PB an absolute certainty.
Good afternoon -clocked 7.25 (official time) so loads of points for everyone !
Bolton United Harriers & AC
7:25 7:25 7:30 7:25 57.88
ndellar If I can't do the Midlands mile on 24th Jan (I'm supposedly doing  XC championship race on the same day- well someones got to be at the back making mud pies) I might come to this - Its only a maybe at the moment though.
Spa Striders RC
7:34 7:34 8:00 7:34 55.74
LorraineS I'm due a Manchester shopping trip ;-)
Train and accommodation now booked - I'm on my way
Starts counting green jelly babies for Barky
7:44 8:23 8:20 8:23 55.08
Cazmo A New PB really Pleased. Great organization too, Thank you. The cakes were great also.
Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC, Congleton Harriers
8:02 8:02 9:20 8:02 52.49
jennywren Sorry :( The wind was so cold I couldn't breathe properly.
Bollington Harriers
8:03 8:22 7:59 8:22 61.76
8:07 9:16 9:16 50.37
ian kewley never been officially timed over 1 mile but id love to go under 9 minutes.
8:15 8:15 8:30 8:15 50.07
Steady Edina Bloody freezing first race I've ever run and I've not borken out into a sweat but loved it
The Prestwich Plodders
8:15 8:15 10:00 8:51 48.46
cheshire lady
8:22 8:22 8:30 8:48 47.96
Spally I did the Sport Relief Mile so would be good to see how I get on in a proper mile race -provided I can sort out transport

What a superb day!  Was great meeting all you Fetchies and look forward to seeing you all at the next one :-)
8:28 8:28 10:00 9:11 46.22
Salford Metropolitan AC
8:33 8:33 9:00 8:33 59.36
Manchester Tri, Northern Sole
9:20 9:20 10:00 9:20 45.22

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