Dec 2016
6:55am, 20 Dec 2016
88,331 posts
It works fine with my (Bluetooth *and* Ant+) Stages.
I'd be more tempted by the Wahoo dongle to talk to the (Ant+ only) Wattbikes at the gym if it was Lightning-native, bit it needs a 32 pin/Lightning adaptor, which all seems a bit clumsy.
Dec 2016
7:07am, 20 Dec 2016
17,362 posts
Ding dong Meglet on high
Tell me about the wahoo dongle, does that pick up ANT? But needing a lightning adapter is clumsy, I agree
Dec 2016
7:47am, 20 Dec 2016
3,975 posts
Look forward to seeing you on there someday soon Meglet
Dec 2016
7:51am, 20 Dec 2016
17,364 posts
Ding dong Meglet on high
It's partly your fault Corona, I keep seeing people's zwift rides on Strava!
Dec 2016
8:04am, 20 Dec 2016
88,333 posts
*APPARENTLY* a Wahoo dongle + adapter *should* talk to an Ant+ Wattbike or powermeter running the iOS app. I'll undoubtedly buy one in the new year, just nervous.
The iOS app talking Bluetooth works fine though - thumbs up for that at least.
Dec 2016
8:44am, 20 Dec 2016
953 posts
I *think* that the Wahoo dongle has an issue with Zwift? or Garmin sensors? one of the 2. I cant find the info now but I think DCRainmaker had something recently mentioning it. Worth checking prior to buying.
Dec 2016
8:46am, 20 Dec 2016
13,089 posts
Yorkshire Mince Pie
I haven't tried iOS. I'm getting an iphone 7 plus for work after christmas so may put it on that (they're OK with personal use of the phone) but the faff of getting my ant+ hrm to talk to it means I'll probably only use it if I can't use the PC for some reason. My PM has Bluetooth so it will at least do the basics.
Dec 2016
9:06am, 20 Dec 2016
88,340 posts
If your PM does Bluetooth then it'll be fine. One of mine does, one doesn't. It's the Wattbikes at the gym that are the big issue for me. I was hoping it could pick up Bluetooth from the Wattbike Hub - the Watter app does this - but it seems not.
Dec 2016
9:16am, 20 Dec 2016
14,069 posts
Atonal Miserabilist (AFKA TRO)
I'll be Zwifting Weds and Thurs eve, both about 6pm if anyone's about
One of these will be the sweetspot (medium) workout, the other a general play (may do a group ride of around 2.5 w/kg for this if there's one).
Anyone seen that nutter doing a ridiculously long ride, over 1000 miles or something.
I've no idea about all this dongle shite, my watter pumps out ANT+, I have Zwift on the Laptop + the app on the phone (Android). It all happens on the lap top but you can control stuff, send messages, enter group rides and see your stats on the mobile.
I assume they will Zwiftify Android at some point now IOS is done. Courses are noticeably busier since that was launched.
Dec 2016
9:26am, 20 Dec 2016
88,342 posts
That's the 'old' controller app TRO yes? I'm running Zwift-qua-Zwift on my iPhone 6plus. Works fine.
Can't really lug my laptop to the gym, hence the desire for an iPhone/Ant+ solution.