Woof! Bark! And also Whiiiiiiiiiine.

1 lurker | 108 watchers
May 2017
9:47am, 16 May 2017
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Ah the joys of dog ownership and training, Maz :-)

Flossie is very funny with our resident wild rabbit (we thought he'd disappeared but he's back again.)
She sees him on the lawn when she goes out straight after her breakfast, gives a sotto voce 'grumph' to let him know she's coming, then as he exits via the left side flower border she charges straight past down to the bottom of the garden. Then when he's safely out of sight she comes back up, picks up his scent, follows it to the edge of the border and with her tail in 'aren't I clever' position trots back into the house :-) She clearly knows he's there but unlike cats or squirrels does not see him as something she should chase. Funny creature!
May 2017
9:54am, 16 May 2017
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Love today's dog stories. And hope all will be well for Charlie - various experiences on here seem to suggest he WILL be ok. Paws crossed for Alice and Charlie.

Jess chases rabbits but as soon as they dive into undergrowth she loses interest. I don't think she's much of a hunter - she just likes the running/chasing bit.
May 2017
9:59am, 16 May 2017
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I think I will, D2. I know she's got one, but I did not think of checking if it covers deer hunting! Rory is definitely a hunter (not surprising - he *is* a Spaniel). I can see a large amount of recall training in our future.
May 2017
11:24am, 16 May 2017
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Yes Maz, chasing any moving object is the most 'enormous fun'. Jet disappeared for over 15 minutes once after chasing a hare across the huge agri-field. I saw him disappearing over the horizon...
May 2017
11:40am, 16 May 2017
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I love the way most dogs do what they're intended/designed to do. Designed is the right word in most cases, we humans have heavily interfered with their evolution into breeds

Flossie's retrieves and holds things in her soft mouth. The spaniels chase AND hunt, Wanda doesn't let any obstacles get in the way of the actual hunt (terrier plus whippet speed and chase) - and the GSDs will herd given half a chance... they certainly won't let their humans get out of sight for too long. I'm always amazed by GSD owners who keep their dogs on lead 'in case they run off'. Yeah, right.
May 2017
11:45am, 16 May 2017
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Alice the Camel
Thank you for all the kind wishes xx

Charlie seems a bit better today, I think the medicine must be working! He's still very subdued but that's good as I don't want him running about or trying to play. He's not limping so much and is putting his paw down more.
I'll have to google snuggle mat too! He's probably going to need something to keep him amused, he's not going to sleep all week.

Love Rory's deer hunter story - I'll never forget Charlie's bid for freedom on Bournemouth beach when he took off after a couple of bigger, faster dogs, helping himself to a family's picnic on the way. I can laugh about it now... :-)
May 2017
11:53am, 16 May 2017
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Subdued is sad but good Alice.

(Oh those family picnics... rich pickings for dogs!)
May 2017
12:04pm, 16 May 2017
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There was an incident at last week's parkrun :-(. A runner was sitting on the grass in the finish area and a dog (off-lead presumably) came up and peed on him! I'm not sure that that's the core team's responsibility to sort out, frankly. ;-) (It's not even clear that the dog belonged to another parkrunner.)

It seems an odd thing to do by the dog - cocking its leg on clothing on the ground is one thing but on an actual human? :-o
May 2017
12:54pm, 16 May 2017
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Oh how I love coming in here. It really reassures me. We have had a deer incident. We were near Kinlochleven in the middle of nowhere and Ernie was off lead. He spotted the deer and gave chase, through long grass. All we could see was him bouncing up and down. He came back when he realised the deer was long gone. We've had similar with pheasants but again he comes back when he realises he hasn't a chance.

Glad to hear Charlie is a bit better. I guess the meds will keep him subdued which is good in terms of healing.

I ahve a question for you all. Have any of you taken your dogs camping? Any tips? I have just bought a soft fabric crate for in the tent and a stake to tether him to to keep him out of mischief.
May 2017
1:12pm, 16 May 2017
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We get little enough sleep in a holiday cottage with Wanda so I can't imagine the hell it would be to take her camping - and tethered to a stake would be unlikely to stop her doing anything!!! We'd probably all end up sleeping in the car I'd imagine!!!

Since our pheasant chasing incident on Saturday J (who thought I shouldn't have let her off the lead in the first place) keeps saying things like..'Have you considered what might have happened if it had been a deer she'd seen rather than a bird...' and other such reassuring comments ;-)

Had to laugh at LD's parkrun incident - I had a colleague who used to bring his dog into work from time to time and one day the dog cocked his leg against the boss. Clearly the dog wasn't afraid to demonstrate what the staff felt........ It must have been a good 20 years ago but whenever I see people from those days it's one of the first 'do you remember when...' stories that comes up :-)

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