Apr 2017
5:37pm, 14 Apr 2017
3,139 posts
Alice the Camel
I did comment, when they said they'd scoured the country for participants, that nobody had asked me and Charlie Chops!
Apr 2017
10:24am, 16 Apr 2017
6,456 posts
Oh dear. The first lot of fledglings have appeared. One of them is sitting in the bay tree near the back door at the moment. Wanda is currently banned from the garden unless under close supervision....... There is a lot of whining going on......
Apr 2017
11:40am, 16 Apr 2017
9,599 posts
Oh that's awkward BBL
Apr 2017
10:22pm, 16 Apr 2017
4,525 posts
Apparently the agility clubs were contacted to find contestants. One of the ladies from our club entered and wasn't selected.
Apr 2017
9:17am, 17 Apr 2017
9,602 posts
I must say I thought that the dogs in the programme looked as if they had done agility training.
Apr 2017
9:50am, 17 Apr 2017
4,527 posts
Presumably they also contacted KC dog trainers and canicross clubs etc. There was a comment about people running with their dogs on a regular basis and all the owners were quite fit.
Apr 2017
9:56am, 17 Apr 2017
3,142 posts
Alice the Camel
Cushla is very active high up in the canicross world, I did wonder if she'd done the recruiting. I'll have to ask when I next see her.
Apr 2017
10:04am, 17 Apr 2017
4,528 posts
If you do talk to her please add my congratulations for a programme that I really enjoyed.
Jet is happy to be the trailbalzer/pathfinder and happy to run alongside and in front - when we are alone. Today I tried to get Jet to run in front of me when we were doing our lap of the lake, but he wouldn't leave Mr behind and kept trying to trip me up to stop me
I'm the 'remover of the briars and sticks' that constantly get caught in his coat, so Jet is used to me stopping him for detangling. Today he went lame and came back and leaned against me with his leg in the air for me to 'fix it' without any comment from either of us. Mr reckoned it was a statement of trust. I thought it was sweet.
Apr 2017
10:12am, 17 Apr 2017
3,143 posts
Alice the Camel
Aww! He knows you're there to help! Charlie is happy to run alongside but doesn't like to go ahead and spends the entire time looking over his shoulder to make sure I'm following
Apr 2017
1:26pm, 20 Apr 2017
9,607 posts
I know I talk about my dog too much in my blog so I've popped in here 'cos I know you wont mind and will probably understand.....
I marvel everyday that I have a dog I can take anywhere and I know he will behave beautifully.
I marvel everyday that I don't have to think before I go anywhere because I can just go anywhere and I don't have to have a moments worry. I am proud to say he is beautiful and people point at him in the street and say "look at that dog!" I know he will protect me if necessary
As you all know he is my ninth GSD and this is the first time I have been able to say any of these things so its all a very special marvel to me.
Can you tell we have just been for a walk in the park.. at half term.... with dogs and kids and ducks and ..........general mayhem which we did not contribute to?