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Who Squares Wins!

175 watchers
Jul 2020
6:14pm, 14 Jul 2020
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No worries, it will be what it is, I've just walked to and from the hospital but the next 2 days are going to be quiet for me. And the weekend is likely to be mainly out of square. So Friday might be the only serious day from me. I need it to get my lazy backside of the couch. Hopefully you will enjoy whatever you are doing instead, this is just a game. HAve fun and stay safe.
Jul 2020
6:16pm, 14 Jul 2020
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***WARNING: long, self-indulgent, rambling post****

Hello. My name is DTs and I’m an WSW addict. It has been 34 days since I did something “extra” for WSW.

I’ve loved WSW over the last few months. It has made my lock-down life so much better. A trivial thing to obsess about whilst the world was so uncertain.

I’ve had some great fun:
• giving me that something to get up and go out for a run “for” which so many of you have already talked about
• winning badges
• exploring the local area and optimising my Gridmaster (under 32 miles, across 4 runs, out from and back to home, no grid moves – other parameters may or may not apply to other players)
• an 11 week win-streak (damn you Maccathecracker)
• multiplayer semi finals (damn you 57.5 degrees of pain)
• being in the top ten, in the world (of an obscure game on the internet)
• playing and beating some of the top ten, in the world (of an obscure game on the internet)
• playing and having my arse handed to me by some of the top ten, in the world (of an obscure game on the internet) – you know who you are!

I went from averaging 100-110 miles of running a month over the previous year to 136, 204, 292 and then the injury bench.

I have a competitive streak and a capacity for exercise addiction. WSW combined both. I had started by running a few miles before breakfast to make sure I got a run, to getting up earlier and earlier so I could run further and further, regularly doing 10-11 miles a day without rest days. I thought I was being sufficiently careful but it caught up with me.

However, the best two weeks for me in this game have been these last two weeks, losing to mole-thing and then NDWDave.

Having been injured I had to change something to make sure I was running healthily so I took Daddy Shark’s inspiration. I now have “rules”. These boil down to:
• I am following a training programme, this limits my mileage and makes sure I am doing quality rather than piling on more quantity (but quantity is so much fun….)
• Rest days – because this training programme has only 5 running days a week, I am resting Mondays and Fridays

Being totally overwhelmed by mole-thing was hilarious in itself. But also completely re-assuring and re-setting. There is ALWAYS going to be somebody better than me and it helped remind me that this is just a motivational game. Let the game be the motivation, find the joy in it or find a different game that does suit and motivate you. Dear mole-thing logged over 100 miles of activity that week, mostly in square, I think I managed less than 50. Of course he should beat me!

Last week I was narrowly beaten by NDWDave, this was a real test for me. I was ahead on Sunday night but I knew I was vulnerable to a Monday morning run. I could have got up and attempted to secure the win. But my programme said Monday was a rest day, so I did. And NDWDave beat me. Fair and square. And I was genuinely pleased for him. And I was more pleased that my stupid competitive streak hadn’t persuaded me that my new rule was malleable.

I’ve loved this game. It has been such a motivator but I had let it take control. Now I am going to try and play for pleasure, not to win. I will revert to “my mean” and rack up a few more Ls until I find my new level.

Thank you all for your company over these last 4 months – it has been a wonderful journey. I look forward to playing with you some more, not necessarily “competing”!

Hello. My name is DTs and I’m an WSW addict. It has been 34 days since I did something “extra” for WSW.
Jul 2020
6:30pm, 14 Jul 2020
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Cracking DTs. I'm glad that you have found a space that you are happy in.

In a similar way I needed WSW to get me out because my HM training programme stopped due to my knee and that's at least another month away from being "fixed". But with that I didn't need games, the training plan was all I needed to be motivated and content. Resorting to cycling meant I needed a purpose and Conquercise, Fetpoint and WSW does this for me.

My character flaw is that I am an optimiser, how to get most bang for the buck, how the plant flowers effectively whilst conquering zones and maximising squares. I spend 30-40 minutes in a morning optimising my route to try to get the most out of the time on the bike.

Try and enjoy the training and use the games to help motivate you to try harder and do a bit more without injurying yourself or compromising event training.

Have fun stay safe
Jul 2020
6:41pm, 14 Jul 2020
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Vancouver Jogger
Great post DTs. For me, I found the only solution was a total two month break. Now back working my way up the rankings but alert to the danger signs.
Jul 2020
6:47pm, 14 Jul 2020
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Great post DTs. I’m taking a break this week to keep some perspective but it was very odd going for a run today and not checking the optimum square route first!
Jul 2020
7:02pm, 14 Jul 2020
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Great post DT’s (not the injury bit) it can be addictive and I’m glad you’ve found a balance for you. Huge well done on Monday!! Onward forward and fun square bashing.
Jul 2020
7:11pm, 14 Jul 2020
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Fair play DTs. It was a great match with you leaping out to a big lead and then me clawing it back over the weekend. I thought you were going to pip me at the post which would have been fine. 108-94 is my highest aggregate match (or close to it).

I think I would have been fine losing too - I had a cracker like that against Dickie Yorke which was just taken out of my reach late on the Sunday.

I think I’m a functioning WSWaholic...
Jul 2020
7:26pm, 14 Jul 2020
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Great post DTs, glad you have found rules that work.
Jul 2020
7:31pm, 14 Jul 2020
18,456 posts
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Really laughed DTs. It took all I had to admit defeat to Snail on fri and not go out at all. And then I ran for pleasure the next day and squared our squares it was brilliant. Taken a break this week and not been out the house. I find it very hard to be sensible about it
Jul 2020
7:36pm, 14 Jul 2020
1,022 posts
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DTs: best post I've read on this thread 👏

May our WSW paths one day cross and you beat me fair and square. (Unlikely though, I'm still 100 pts lower ranked than you!).

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