May 2017
11:17am, 11 May 2017
28,172 posts
Day off tomorrow
May 2017
1:08pm, 11 May 2017
33,404 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
Shelia Mercer (Mrs Brian Rix) and Annie Sugden is still alive and 98
May 2017
1:10pm, 11 May 2017
28,173 posts
May 2017
9:42pm, 11 May 2017
3,061 posts
Glenn - President Obama like to refer to BP as British Petroleum during Macondo oil leak but he conveniently forgot the name before BP was BP Amoco where the Amoco was American Oil Company.
May 2017
10:01pm, 11 May 2017
25,531 posts
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
There is a Fetch sock thread, didn't know that!
May 2017
9:50pm, 13 May 2017
27,433 posts
Strong cheeses are good for the teeth.
May 2017
2:46am, 14 May 2017
3,463 posts
It is Mother's Day in USA today
May 2017
8:11am, 14 May 2017
416 posts
Non-parasitic adult Lampreys don't feed. Keeps the bills down I suppose.
May 2017
9:58am, 14 May 2017
1,274 posts
[Hitch - my then-wife took a complete strop (and waited until the end of the day before explaining what was bothering her) when daughter and I failed to recognise Mothers Day one year. She'd spent the whole day in a passive aggressive strop, based on the fact that she had an American wall-calendar hanging in the kitchen.]
May 2017
10:45am, 14 May 2017
390 posts
That Garmin straps cannot be repaired with superglue