Jul 2022
10:44am, 13 Jul 2022
9,154 posts
My link above lists where all the free taps are in each major UK airport
Jul 2022
11:05am, 13 Jul 2022
952 posts
[I was really impressed on a recent visit to Weymouth by all the drinking water taps to fill bottles etc. (And by the number of public loos too!).]
Jul 2022
11:10am, 13 Jul 2022
137,006 posts
Best large seaside town in the UK, IMO. Love Weymouth.
Jul 2022
11:29am, 13 Jul 2022
33,986 posts
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
Best large seaside town in the UK, IMO. Love Weymouth.
And who wouldn’t ? [I may be biased as my home town]
Jul 2022
1:10pm, 13 Jul 2022
9,428 posts
[We've been doing that for years GordonG. It's worth checking out the airport info in advance as to the location of the water fountains. They are not always so obvious!]
Nor do they always work when you find them, in my experience. We encountered many at Schipol that either didn't work at all or trickled so feebly that filling a water bottle was completely impractical. I very much support the principle, though.
Brabant water has a series of free public water points along the bike and walking routes around where we live, also, and allegedly the more people use them the more the company gives to organisations building clean water wells around Africa, though how more people using a free service in one country converts into charitable giving in another has always confused me.
Jul 2022
1:36pm, 13 Jul 2022
17,576 posts
I just ask one of the cafes to fill my water bottle up when I get a cup of tea.
I've been doing this for years and years.
Mind you, airport security is total kabuki theatre anyway.
Total nonsense.
Jul 2022
2:04pm, 13 Jul 2022
22,053 posts
that you can take an EMPTY water bottle or flask through airport security, then fill it up for free using drinking water fountains on the other side moneysavingexpert.com
However, there are no public access drinking water fountains after security at Warsaw Chopin Airport.
I didn't learn that today, but found it out to my cost a few weeks ago.
I always take an empty water bottle through with me, although I have fond memories of when I forgot to empty both my bottles before security at George Best Airport and had to chug the lot. By the time it worked through my system it made an interesting drive home from Leeds.
Jul 2022
2:08pm, 13 Jul 2022
22,054 posts
As an aside to this, if the liquids you wish to carry though aren't in liquid form, they're also permitted.
Therefore, you can take ice through, so long as it hasn't begun to melt.
Jul 2022
2:29pm, 13 Jul 2022
17,578 posts
"However, there are no public access drinking water fountains after security at Warsaw Chopin Airport."
What's the obsession with public access drinking water fountains?
- cafes - Macdonalds etc - bars and food outlets - toilets
Can all be found after security. In pretty much every airport. Unless v v tiny
Jul 2022
3:34pm, 13 Jul 2022
2,425 posts
So you can fill up water bottles for the journey for free..?
Toilets often stipulate 'Not drinking water' - and sometimes it's a pre-set tepid temperature...!