May 2020
2:09pm, 15 May 2020
41,775 posts
Derby Tup
Nothing changed for me: work, driving, customers
May 2020
2:13pm, 15 May 2020
26,719 posts
Wriggling Snake
The Pub
May 2020
2:19pm, 15 May 2020
4,389 posts
As it’s now 3 weeks past the point I was due to see them - having last seen them in December and having no idea when I will again as they’re in London and I’m in Cardiff - my mum and my Nan
May 2020
2:44pm, 15 May 2020
26,721 posts
Wriggling Snake
Yep. Not seen my dad since Feb. No idea when I will..he's 88, technology, he can use a tv remote control
May 2020
2:45pm, 15 May 2020
26,722 posts
Wriggling Snake
But only just.
May 2020
2:47pm, 15 May 2020
46,534 posts
Saying, "We need a break away from home so that I won't end up going into work for a day or two," and being able to do something about it.
May 2020
3:00pm, 15 May 2020
49,983 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
Yeast seems available again now, the last few times I went shopping at least
Still missing the pub most though, my family all live in Australia so I only see them every couple of years anyway. And that’s usually ample
May 2020
12:29pm, 23 May 2020
67 posts
LouiseRuns 🌹🇬🇧 🇪🇺
Still my boys. Haven't seen the youngest since he went back to Uni after Christmas. Second to that, until yesterday, was probably running with LindsD, but we can manage that now. parkrun is the third. Other than that, I like the calmer nature of lockdown.
May 2020
1:12pm, 23 May 2020
3,957 posts
Surrey Phil
Like most people, meeting family and friends. Also, the ability to make plans for races, events and socialising generally.
May 2020
1:20pm, 23 May 2020
42,110 posts
Derby Tup
No change. I’m naturally quite anti-social and have very little family to miss. It’s day-to-day work (and the structure it gives) I miss most