USA Presidential Election watch - have you got USA Presidential Election
23 watchers
Nov 2016
1:23pm, 10 Nov 2016
10,442 posts
But as of Wednesday morning, Hillary Clinton was still leading in the popular vote, by a margin of 135,495. Clinton had 59,186,057 votes, while Trump had garnered 59,049,470
Nov 2016
1:30pm, 10 Nov 2016
5,825 posts
paul the builder
Nov 2016
1:30pm, 10 Nov 2016
10,236 posts
Fenland - as Simon Jenkins puts it: "Novelist Dave Eggers likewise sensed the appeal of Trump’s “crazy shit” to a people fed on years of political correctness and “inappropriate” language. His populism was that of the bar room rather than the Tea Party." Dave Eggers recounts: "It was just an act, of course. But like a lot of comedy, the appeal is in the forbidden delight in hearing highly inappropriate things spoken into a microphone. We can’t believe someone said that, on stage, or behind a podium, to so many." It's kind of like school children giggling at any kind of bodily functions. It's kind of like those sick jokes that do the rounds after massacres or plain crashes. Yeah don't laugh, yeah they aren't funny, but some people do like it. I read somewhere else, "yeah he tasks shit, but he talks shit in the same way we talk". His campaign manager put it: "The moment he ceases to entertain – to say crazy shit – he will evaporate." You could well say is it appropriate for a leader of the free world to talk like that - and personally I'd be in your corner, I'm not sure it sets in anyway a good example - but enough people in the US have said "yes it is" and chosen to use their vote on that. I'm not going to call them dumb, even if I do find their judgement highly questionable. |
Nov 2016
1:44pm, 10 Nov 2016
10,237 posts
Trump on the electoral college system. Like Brendan says "Too freaking perfect": twitter.com |
Nov 2016
5:28pm, 10 Nov 2016
884 posts
"It's kind of like school children giggling at any kind of bodily functions." More patronising, smug bollocks. They voted the wrong way because they're immature. Of course, that explains it. Phew, what a relief. For a moment there I thought we liberal lefties might actually be wrong. Now we know the reasons why the idiots voted like that we can just ignore them again. |
Nov 2016
5:38pm, 10 Nov 2016
6,049 posts
What would be the use in protest voting if people don't try and understand what they are protesting about or why the voted that way? Isn't that the point?
Nov 2016
5:48pm, 10 Nov 2016
10,241 posts
Oh just sod off Tony, and READ the article. (which you obviously haven't) And please do the courtesy of reading info before dissing next time. What do YOU think the reason for people liking Trump's "ooh grab her pussy" talk is but saying they don't actually agree with him or believing he meant it???? C'mon on then, I'm all ears. |
Nov 2016
5:49pm, 10 Nov 2016
10,242 posts
And try NOT to be patronising.
Nov 2016
5:49pm, 10 Nov 2016
10,243 posts
Eggers is a good writer, and the article doesn't patronise at all.
Nov 2016
5:51pm, 10 Nov 2016
10,244 posts
I still laugh when I see the Sex pistols swearing on TV, on that infamous Bill Grundy bit. Yes it is a bit school childish of me. Look I'm patronising myself now. |
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