3,100 miles; 52 days; one New York block

5 watchers
Jun 2019
8:43pm, 21 Jun 2019
1,663 posts
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Maybe it was 20 pairs of shoes between the lot of them?

I saw the pictures of Sri Chinmoy in 'Run and Become' in London many, many years ago and was curious enough to go to a few local meditation evenings (this was also around the time of the film The Big Blue - meditation features in that too as a relaxation/competition technique). Ultimately I felt that I wasn't getting much out of it, although a cyclist who I know quite well lives very close to me and is also a follower and has changed his name to that which Sri gave him, Tejvan. This is his cycling blog: cyclinguphill.com He was a superb hill-climber before hip issues stopped him training much.

I saw William Sichel at the Radley College 6-day a few years ago ( race-calendar.com ). I'd heard of him but didn't really appreciate his standing.

It was odd to be able to cycle over after work and see how the race was progressing, although the real action started in the last 48 and 24 hours when some shorter distance (!) folk joined in. I remember one of the helpers would greet me every evening 'look at the energy here!!!' etc. but all I could see was a few half-dead joggers and walkers in battered old running kit, dragging themselves around the track ;-)
Jun 2019
8:49pm, 21 Jun 2019
1,664 posts
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Bah, forgot to close my italics correctly...

Maybe it was 20 pairs of shoes between the lot of them?

I saw the pictures of Sri Chinmoy in 'Run and Become' in London many, many years ago and was curious enough to go to a few local meditation evenings (this was also around the time of the film The Big Blue - meditation features in that too as a relaxation/competition technique). Ultimately I felt that I wasn't getting much out of it, although a cyclist who I know quite well lives very close to me and is also a follower and has changed his name to that which Sri gave him, Tejvan. This is his cycling blog: cyclinguphill.com He was a superb hill-climber before hip issues stopped him training much.

I saw William Sichel at the Radley College 6-day a few years ago ( race-calendar.com ). I'd heard of him but didn't really appreciate his standing.

It was odd to be able to cycle over after work and see how the race was progressing, although the real action started in the last 48 and 24 hours when some shorter distance (!) folk joined in. I remember one of the helpers would greet me every evening 'look at the energy here!!!' etc. but all I could see was a few half-dead joggers and walkers in battered old running kit, dragging themselves around the track ;-)
Jun 2019
11:49am, 22 Jun 2019
4,007 posts
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FYI, the route is in these Conquercise zones:



This is the route: fetcheveryone.com/routes-view.php?id=1802942


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words fail me...

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