Nov 2016
10:00am, 9 Nov 2016
26,066 posts
I watched a seagull attack a wee duck (or some kind of water fowl - I'm no twitcher) today. It then flew off. So it wasn't a territory thing (the attacker then left the territory). It wasn't a specific scrap of food, there was nothing there. So what was the purpose? Was it just "you're not my kind"?
Nov 2016
10:03am, 9 Nov 2016
206 posts
Is there a thread for twitchers?
Nov 2016
10:05am, 9 Nov 2016
13,621 posts
Wriggling Snake
Just had a quick look on FB, it appears the majority of people like democracy until they picked the loser.
Nov 2016
10:08am, 9 Nov 2016
10,433 posts
In 2016 everybody is a loser. Very sad.
Nov 2016
10:10am, 9 Nov 2016
18,341 posts
Democracy is failing when there is no real choice.
Nov 2016
10:12am, 9 Nov 2016
10,211 posts
I also note calling out racism, misogyny, homophobia hasn't and isn't helping us, and isn't changing the minds of those doing enacting it. The two sides are becoming ever more polarized, that is a greater worry. Work together and make sure the racism is contained, controlled and persuaded against. Telling people they are racist is just a sure way to end a conversation, with both sides angry at each other.
Race and immigration is a nettle that has to be grasped. I don't like a lot views on it that are publicly expressed these days, I fully support freedom of movement of people. I think communities could and should be well integrated. I have encountered though plenty of people who I don't consider racist, but who have voiced views that would be considered racist. They aren't stupid either. So what do you say without coming down all heavy and political? Ignore it? I will often try a "yes, but have you considered...." not sure it works.
Also with regards to protest, I support direct action and protest BUT I'm horrified at the direct action being proposed to influence the judges decision on Brexit. I support the principle of the right to strike, but I'm not happy with some of the strikes recently (like teachers against Gove - and Gove is a snivelling little runt, but the strike was non-specific it wasn't defend the right for x) or y), or increase our pay to x level, or reinstate sacked teachers.)
Nov 2016
10:12am, 9 Nov 2016
207 posts
the world's coming to an end....
Nov 2016
10:14am, 9 Nov 2016
10,212 posts
and fartlek look for Fetch Birdwatchers , that is the twitcher thread.
Nov 2016
10:16am, 9 Nov 2016
208 posts
Thanks Chris!
Nov 2016
10:17am, 9 Nov 2016
13,623 posts
Wriggling Snake
I think there was a pretty straight and understandable choice, both in Brexit and in the Us election.
You had the choice of turning your back on your neighbours or not. You had the choice of voting for a racist, sexist reactionary or not.
People, lots of people of differing backgrounds took the view to turn their back on europe and to vote of a sexist racist buffon.
Why? That's the question, my idea is a failing media, failing political parties of all persuasion and a definite failing of the establishment to realise the world is chnaging fas in a way these voters don't like or understand, you have to understand, you have to represent, your have to presuade.
Politics isn't working, not democracy.