Nov 2016
9:20am, 9 Nov 2016
26,672 posts
I for one would like to welcome our new reptilian overlords
Nov 2016
9:21am, 9 Nov 2016
11,516 posts
Not seen any hysteria on this thread.
Miserable weather here today, sums up my feelings this morning, hoping a run in the rain will help
Nov 2016
9:48am, 9 Nov 2016
10,209 posts
Trump's speech was remarkably conciliatory- which was surprising given the horrid bombast running up to the election.
"Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of division, have to get together. To all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people."
"It is a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds, and beliefs, who want and expect our government to serve the people, and serve the people it will."
"We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. We're going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none, and we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it."
Already some on the left pointing out this is effectively the end of the neo-liberal era, which is no bad thing. Trump seems to be offering some sort of infrastructure rebuilding plus economic protectionism which isn't that different from what Sanders was offering.
And yes the rhetoric was completely obnoxious, and I'd rather he hadn't won, but goodbye TTIP and CETA? An America less bothered about interfering in world affairs than before? I don't like the man, but Clinton was a moderate republican offering a platform of things I agreed with, but didn't go far enough.
Nov 2016
9:48am, 9 Nov 2016
26,062 posts
A shouty "GET A GRIP" from fartlek is pretty hysterical. Me no like.
The amount of damage he could do that will affect all of us, globally, if he gets enough support, or tries to use executive orders, like changing NATO, breaking trade agreements and barriers to international trade etc. well, it could be really destructive, disruptive and possibly globally destabilising. Might not happen though.
Trump as a loose cannon, the expression Hillary Clinton used, seems apt.
Nov 2016
9:51am, 9 Nov 2016
6,036 posts
Like our own elections, the choices on offer for people voting are terrible.
We can hardly be surprised that people want to rally against those who have been in charge as largely politics is a rich man's game where the aim of the game is to retain power and help yourselves and your friends to a flourishing life whilst doing just enough to convince the rest of society that you are trying to help them as well, whilst in reality they sink further down. People are fed up of it all.
Where are the demonstrations though? Where are the strikes? What does it take to change a political system? Voting in the "wrong" candidate won't.
Why does anger against the system end up with the protest vote which means you nearly always a) vote in an arsehole lunatic and b) shooting yourselves in the bloody foot?
Nov 2016
9:53am, 9 Nov 2016
10,432 posts
2016 has been the year the masses voted. And I don't recognise what they voted for.
Are the masses really bigoted, rascist, sexist, homophobes?
Nov 2016
9:54am, 9 Nov 2016
7,363 posts
I think those "small government" crackpots might win a few people over after this.
Nov 2016
9:55am, 9 Nov 2016
26,064 posts
Good rant Mo. Good questions. I have no answers. Not enough action and protest. I agree. Just a lot of moaning on social media. Maybe that's it - technology has allowed discontent to be voiced instantly and globally, but with far less effect? G
Nov 2016
9:55am, 9 Nov 2016
10,210 posts
As for nuclear codes - I've been reading histories of the cold war and on one hand Reagan was going "let's bomb Poland" but privately on the other after a near brush with disaster he was totally committed to reducing the amount of nukes, and was as much a factor as Gorby in bringing it to an end. There is evidence in the event of a nuclear strike from the Soviets Reagan wouldn't have retaliated, which considering some of the rhetoric was remarkable.
Yes I am worried about NATO, but I suspect Putin is waiting on the election of Le Pen and the potential disaster and unravelling of the EU that will bring before making mischief. Maybe we want to kick the Brexit football into the grass labelled May 2017, when we will know who the new French president is.
Nov 2016
9:56am, 9 Nov 2016
6,037 posts
Fenland Plodder - yes they are. We seem to have a hope that society is somehow good, intelligent, balanced. It isn't rational though to believe that we would somehow all be a combination of the best things that we want to be. The evidence is right here.