Mar 2018
9:33am, 29 Mar 2018
2,264 posts
Jeez, this festive calendar gets earlier every year
Apr 2018
7:33pm, 8 Apr 2018
25,596 posts
Derby Tup
For me as someone who’s main aim in any ultra (certainly above say 33 miles) is to finish the training key is time on feet. I’ve done 12 hours plus since Wednesday and am starting to feel if not athletic then slightly more ‘robust’ than I have in a long while
Apr 2018
12:29pm, 9 Apr 2018
17,508 posts
Agree, although I think I'd be better of being less robust, not more!
Apr 2018
2:05pm, 9 Apr 2018
25,600 posts
Derby Tup
I meant stronger rather than less likely to be blown off a hillside
Jul 2018
12:57pm, 8 Jul 2018
2,008 posts
Ok; a beginner's question. Water or sports drink for an ultra? I abandoned sports drink years ago, but the hot weather has been giving me problems with dehydration, and started me thinking.
Didn't like tailwind, but a whole sachet in 500ml may be too strong (more than 10% carbohydrate). Wondering about the weak (but not calorie free; less than 4% COH) gu one.
The argument seems to boil down to plain water isn't absorbed fast enough (mostly based on Coyle 1994, 2004) versus manage nutrition and hydration separately (and it all mixes in your stomach, so doesn't impact absorption).
Any thoughts?
Jul 2018
1:07pm, 8 Jul 2018
7,209 posts
I have one plain water and one with tailwind/high 5 etc. The mixed one is a bit stronger than you would normally have. I had some food/coke etc to complement.
One sachet of tailwind per hour is almost as much calories (200?) as you can take in an hour
Jul 2018
1:08pm, 8 Jul 2018
7,210 posts
My backpack has 2 bottles by the way
Jul 2018
2:46pm, 8 Jul 2018
943 posts
I suppose the down side of not having a sports drink is how to get calories in if your stomach goes south - sipping a drink can be very easy compared to forcing down any thing solid or a gel.
I can get away with the double strength tailwind as long as I stick to the neutral flavours, and often carry a second bottle with plain water for either washing down food, or spraying on face/neck/arms to cool off. I haven't tried the gu drink for a few years, but remember it having a chemical aftertaste. I hear good things about mountain fuel, but then that might just be their marketing/influencer network doing it's work.
Jul 2018
2:53pm, 8 Jul 2018
553 posts
I prefer SiS sachets that get emptied into a 500ml bottle if after energy plus electrolyte. If just electrolyte I use the High5 electrolyte tabs.
Jul 2018
4:09pm, 8 Jul 2018
26,284 posts
Derby Tup
Water and Nuuns plus flat Coke for me