Apr 2015
4:54pm, 13 Apr 2015
6,487 posts
Nelly you are exactly where I was when I started
I suggest find a few marathons to do "as training". Some hard ones on trails and hills. I did a couple of 35 milers leading up to the 45 mile ultra I did.
Basically you have loads of time so sign up to some nice marathons and enjoy them in the summer.
Apr 2015
5:12pm, 13 Apr 2015
2,354 posts
Thanks Binks, although I hope I don't end up running across America like you (because I'll be divorced before then! ;-)). With that in mind, I'd love to do a few marathons as training, but a young family and not so patient wife means that's not really an option. The good thing is the race is local, so I should be able to do a lot of my training on the race route, and therefore there should be no issues with navigation on race day.
Sep 2015
12:02pm, 17 Sep 2015
8 posts
Hi, I'm training for my first 50k ish race in early Feb. It's the Pilgrims Challenge Day 1 by xnrg. I have created a plan and uploaded it to the plans section of Fetcheveryone, which takes into account my availability to run due to young family commitments.
If anyone would care to take a look and see if it seems appropriate or could benefit from some tweeks, then it would be much appreciated.
The plan is called: 50k 20wk 3-4days a week
Nov 2015
5:52am, 13 Nov 2015
5,983 posts
This thread has been very quiet lately!
Having been both unable to sleep and rather over reaching in my event entries for next year I've justvre-read the whole thread.
Bumping for Kitbag, sorry I didn't see your post earlier. My take, having tried 50K last year is that unless you're planning to be at the sharp end, 50k is a long marathon with nice walk breaks and cake/crisps and a cup of tea half way through. Those more experienced and competitive than me might have better advice
Nov 2015
6:15am, 13 Nov 2015
18,566 posts
Derby Tup
Nov 2015
6:15am, 13 Nov 2015
18,567 posts
Derby Tup
Nov 2015
9:48am, 13 Nov 2015
31,466 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
I can offer help for what it's worth I was new to ultras last year learned some valuable lessons along way
Nov 2015
9:52am, 13 Nov 2015
5,987 posts
List away HOD - I know we're ll v different and what works for some breaks or isn't enough for others - but the more things to consider the better as far as I'm concerned
Nov 2015
9:58am, 13 Nov 2015
31,468 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
I found double long runs not for me however.
Doing a hard park run or a brisk 10 and running on tired legs next day for a longie was
Nov 2015
10:00am, 13 Nov 2015
5,989 posts
That would work better with my time constraints HOD - what sort of midweek mileage did you manage?