Jun 2021
4:48pm, 22 Jun 2021
14,988 posts
I am not taking anything out I may need it was whether I was overthinking the just incase. The kit list is tiny compared to what I have in. Only thing is if the forecast stays as it is my shower proof jacket with poncho will be more than adequate & useful than the fully taped waterproof that takes up quite a bit of room.
Apologies SJ I didn’t realise that was from the threshold page I read the terms & conditions on disqualification and didn’t see that in there.
My friend said her friends did the race last weekend and there was people stopping and meeting family and them giving them things (food/drinks) someone swapped trainers.
I’ll stick with plan A and carry what I had I wouldn’t want to be breaking rules again it came from listening to podcasts where people were saying they’d carried too much in their early days compared to now. Obviously safely comes first.
Jun 2021
8:49pm, 22 Jun 2021
8,555 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
I hadn’t realised that was in the T&Cs either, which surprised me as the impression I get from the Threshold FB group is they are pretty relaxed about that kind of thing, as long as it’s not at checkpoints. I can’t see anything explaining in the T&Cs what a ‘formal crew’ is.
Jun 2021
9:02pm, 22 Jun 2021
956 posts
Sam Jelfs
My guess is that unless you are at the sharp end of things then nobody will care so long as crew don't get in the way / cause issues. I only pointed out the rule so that you were aware, in general I think you'll be fine.
Jun 2021
9:44pm, 22 Jun 2021
14,989 posts
Thanks SJ would rather know than not and def at the blunt end.
FDNB I had same impression questions can we meet family & friends is def yes but not at checkpoints.
I’ve assessed and unless weather forecast changes I’m going with my shower proof jacket it is more wearable if it was a bit chilly. Smaller to pack and the poncho will fit over the top of my pack too so seems sensible. Different if we were out on the moors in winter.
So active root bagged and packed water bottles filled and chilled only the last minute snacks to pack (after I’ve been to Greggs) I’ll get a few packets of chipsticks and rely on aid stations and of course stop for chips when we hit the coast. I am feeling ready as I’ll ever be.
Thanks for all the advice and support.
Jun 2021
9:44pm, 22 Jun 2021
15,059 posts
Good luck GG. You’ve got this
Jun 2021
10:46pm, 22 Jun 2021
14,992 posts
Thanks NDWDave I believe I’ve done as much as I can all that is left is to enjoy it 😄
Jun 2021
10:50pm, 22 Jun 2021
50,689 posts
Derby Tup
Spot on gg
Jun 2021
9:54am, 23 Jun 2021
14,995 posts
Thanks DT 😊
Jun 2021
2:36pm, 23 Jun 2021
7,857 posts
Best of luck geordiegirl - enjoy the race and hope that you have a great time!
Jun 2021
5:02pm, 23 Jun 2021
957 posts
Sam Jelfs
Good luck GG - Is there anywhere we can dot watch?