Trying to Move House/Flat

1 lurker | 35 watchers
Jun 2017
12:31pm, 9 Jun 2017
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Red Squirrel
Yeah I know what you mean. I'm gonna have to drop and the only issue with my property is that it doesn't have central heating. That's the reason I feel I need to drop the price. I bumped into 2 other people yesterday while out dog-walking who've been round my flat and they can't believe no-one's looking at it. They both cited lovely location. (Green and woody; quiet; set back from road.)
Jun 2017
1:40pm, 9 Jun 2017
18,107 posts
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Have you had a quote for installation of central heating?
Jun 2017
1:43pm, 9 Jun 2017
19,963 posts
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Red Squirrel
Yes - and I've left it on the table for viewers to see. I asked 3 suppliers but only got one quote back. The company who came back occasionally have their vans on my estate, so they will be familiar with the build, pipework, possible issues etc. They also replied promptly and gave plenty of info without pushing.
Jun 2017
1:57pm, 12 Jun 2017
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Red Squirrel
So didn't end up doing a final push with the current agents. Have handed notice in and meeting new local agents. No one seems to have a good reputation so it's been difficult to make a decision. Need to wait for 2 week notice period and then look to launch again. I'm going to make some detailed notes on pricing and what I'm going to take off for things that need doing. I've also got my list of selling points which I went through with my ex-estate agent friend of friend.
Jun 2017
3:16pm, 12 Jun 2017
31,650 posts
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Good work RS, I hope the change creates new interest luck
Jun 2017
3:18pm, 12 Jun 2017
18,112 posts
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That does sound tricky, but fingers crossed that will do the job. In two weeks they could still find you a buyer if they pull their finger out!

I've instructed the estate agents today :-) Managed to barter the fee down from 1% to 0.85% considering what other agents were offering, and while it's the lowest we feels it's most realistic having done our own research. Teen 2 has two more weeks of exams then it's pics and onto the market early July :-)
Jun 2017
9:00pm, 12 Jun 2017
19,965 posts
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Red Squirrel
They're not interested Meglet. They've taken down their sign already. They never got enthused about taking more pics and repeatedly didn't make changes I asked for on the description. I think they wouldn't make enough out of me. They were taking 1.25 and that was the lowest of the original 3 I saw! I talked them down to that.
Jun 2017
10:27pm, 12 Jun 2017
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Blimey! I've seen three. Our estimate based on our own research was 470,000. We had quotes of 600, 525 and 495. Didn't expect them to be so wildly different.

Fees-wise two were offering 0.75%, 'reduced' from 1.25 and 1.5. The other 1% but have got them down to .85%, this is the lowest offer (he also suggested 'offers over 475' to get loads of interest) but the most experienced local agent who we bought from 18 years ago. You don't see many of their boards around but I think that's because they sell quickly.

Sounds like you need to get on with the new agent asap, the others sound hopeless.

Mine have also had quite differing amounts of people on their books looking for my sort of property, the agent we're going with says 175 matches, with over 30 being 'hot' (e.g. No chain, cash buyers, ready to move)
Jun 2017
10:23am, 13 Jun 2017
19,966 posts
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Red Squirrel
I've had to give 2 weeks notice so I've got that much time to work on it with the new agent. I'm not going to have much money to move with. :( Might have to rent with a friend for a bit.
Jun 2017
7:27pm, 14 Jun 2017
19,973 posts
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Red Squirrel
Thank you for all your good wishes my lovelies.

I've had a meeting with new local agents and they want to launch on 27th then have a Sat open day on 8 July. We're going low so that people may (or may not) potentially bid a bit higher. The chap I've been speaking to had to hand over to the branch manager as he had a leak at home! The manager was a bit flannelly and rushy, but then the people who didn't sell it seemed gentle and sincere, so I'll find out what works, if anything.

The only upfront charge is for professional photos - £178 inc VAT. Meglet mentioned this, I researched it and it does make sense. If the photos can be done in blazing sunshine, it should look really good. I overlook beautiful woodland and my flat, although needing some decoration but perfectly liveable, is really light and airy.

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Maintained by Red Squirrel
It’s nesting season!

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