Trying to Move House/Flat

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May 2017
5:07pm, 22 May 2017
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Fierce and Fearless Fleecy
Do they use Rightmove? If not then drop them like a hot potato, you can't not have your property online when it's the only way people find property nowadays...
I've heard good things about Purple Bricks from someone who was buying and found them easy to deal with.
May 2017
9:29am, 23 May 2017
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Red Squirrel
They do but not Zoopla! (Forgot to check when I signed up.) My flat's on for £165K and I was thinking of dropping about £5k. I think that would be fair as there's no central heating and the quotes I got for GCH were both around £3,300 + the lino needs replacing in kitchen and bathroom. It's not damaged but just 'tired'.

It's a sweet little flat which overlooks lovely woodland and has a small front garden and shared clothes drying area. I've checked the crime stats for the area too - nothing untoward. Perhaps being first floor is putting people off ... ? It's difficult to second guess, isn't it?
May 2017
9:31am, 23 May 2017
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Red Squirrel
People have mentioned Purple Bricks to me on a few occasions and they're signs are around centrally but not where I live on the outskirts.

I work full-time and weekends, so I'm not very freed-up to show people around, is the problem.
May 2017
10:04am, 23 May 2017
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We changed estates agents and sold within a week of the new agents having our place on the books.

I would certainly change agents as soon as you can. You often find when you give notice the agents pull their finger out as want to get some income for the work they have done to date.

Not sure re the viewings with Purple Bricks - think you do them yourself with them so may not work for you
May 2017
10:42am, 23 May 2017
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I've heard not-so-good things about Purple Bricks from a seller's point of view to do with a rapid fall off in interest from them once you're signed up (I have not used them though, so that may be entirely inaccurate).
May 2017
11:46am, 23 May 2017
19,930 posts
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Red Squirrel
They can't be a consideration for me unfortunately, as I'm just not around to show people the flat. I'm working all hours to save the funds for moving costs.

In theory I'd always prefer a local agent for the knowledge of the area. However, my local ones haven't pushed my flat and I'm having to do lots of work when I'm really busy with all my jobs. I'm a bit peeved. I get the feeling they really can't be bothered. I made a bad choice of agent.
May 2017
7:21pm, 23 May 2017
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Fierce and Fearless Fleecy
What are the photos like? I've seen some astonishingly bad ones online which a 3 year old would be embarrassed to take...Your flat is probably too cheap for them to be bothered, but I would think any commission is better than none. Kick up a stink and tell them you'll move agents unless they HTFU. Most agents don't sell property anyway, the online details do that and buyers will go by those plus Google Street View, but decent photos are really important I think. Make sure they get nice photos of the outside and of the view if it's nice.
May 2017
7:23pm, 23 May 2017
31,238 posts
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You have nothing to lose by giving them notice and getting your flat on with a new agent. It might be just the boost needed to get new people through.
May 2017
9:34am, 24 May 2017
19,932 posts
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Red Squirrel
Thank you folks.

I took some new exterior photos at the weekend and sent them off. They also then went and took some new photos! I've also changed the description.

If this doesn't work, I'm going to find another agent as you suggest. There's one that stands out as having sold quite a few flats locally and I've talked to them previously. They do have a flat on similar to mine which hasn't sold yet but they've sold the bulk of other 1-bedroomed flats locally.

I wish I had more time to devote to this but I work 50 hours a week at the moment to get the money to pay moving expenses, if it ever happens!
Jun 2017
12:28pm, 4 Jun 2017
19,950 posts
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Red Squirrel
I finally got a weekend off and have got rid of some furniture and turned one of the big hall cupboards into a walk-in wardrobe. (My wardrobe was a cheap one so it's gone.)

I also booked, can you believe, 2 gardeners on separate occasions to prune bushes and reinstate the edging in my front garden but neither turned up. I'm now having to try to do this on my first weekend off in months. I waited 3 weeks for those losers to not do the work and I'm really cross.

There are only 2 flats in this area now at my price range. It's mystifying why there are no viewings.

I'm giving the current agents one last shot. I'm calling in on Wednesday to discuss what I believe are the selling points, request they take new photos when the sun is out. (They weren't able to use mine due to angle they said.)

I'm going to check the price is correct by seeing what the last flat on this estate sold for in 2015 and adding the local % increase/decrease for the intervening period. I'm then going to work on this flat being average condition and will decrease the price to take into account the cost of installing GCH and money to be spent on decoration. Does that seem fair?

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