TriSport Fetch: The smell of 220

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Jun 2020
2:21pm, 20 Jun 2020
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Afternoon. 10.7 run earlier.

Hope the ankle is better today Rae. I've been dealing with an ankle issue the past six months and some days it just seems to feel worse for no reason. The trend has generally been improvement over the last two months though. Obviously doesn't compare to a reconstruction but hopefully the trend is also improvement with you and yesterday was just a bad day.
Jun 2020
7:04pm, 20 Jun 2020
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I ran today, and recorded my fastest mile this year. Not actually very fast, but it cheered me up.

Thd fact that I was completely knackered by it is less cheering :-)
Jun 2020
7:07pm, 20 Jun 2020
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TRO Saracen
3k swim, 40 cafe miles and 5 mile run. Planning longer ride tomorrow
Jun 2020
9:03am, 21 Jun 2020
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Jun 2020
9:13am, 21 Jun 2020
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Morning all

SO yesterday after my race, we dropped a Crux off in St Neots and popped to Grafham for a little potter that turned into 30 odd miles and 2.5hrs.

Got up this morning with a tired body so yoga and 5 miles

Spent some time analyzing the efforts from yesterday over a coffee this morning

Forward Kom - 1.58 381watts 5.2Wkg
Volcano Kom - 6.57 334watts 4.6Wkg
Forward Epic Kom - 20.52 320watts 4.4Wkg
Alpe d'Zwift - 45.18 - 316 watts 4.35Wkg

Add to that my peak 5 min power was the first 5 mins of the race 357watts 4.9Wkg

Total race time was just over 2 hours

There are no negatives in yesterdays race for me when you look at all the power and my ability to recover between efforts. I'm not putting out more power this month but I am going back to the well time and time again.

Session on Tuesday everyone ?

I got SUNSHINE so about to hit the canal for a few hours of easy pedals and have a day where I don't go on ZWIFT.
Jun 2020
9:16am, 21 Jun 2020
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Thanks SPR, and other well wishers.
It's just over a year since I had the hardware installed and for the most part it's been absolutely fine, but the last few days I'm getting really sharp pain right where the screws are for apparently no reason.

I might put my foot down a bit oddly I guess, and last night I think I turned when I was standing on laminate floor flooring in bare feet and that set it off.

Last week I was running around at rugby training in studded boots without a care in the world. Weird.

Ah well, I'm fairly sure I can still bike and swim, at least.
Jun 2020
9:21am, 21 Jun 2020
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Rae - will the hardware need to come out ? If not hopefully just an ache and it will pass.

Best wishes
Jun 2020
9:33am, 21 Jun 2020
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Hope it settles.
Jun 2020
10:01am, 21 Jun 2020
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They said they wouldn't think about removing the screws infor at least a year,and then only if was having lots of trouble with them, so I guess it could be an option.

I don't know if having them out would be as painful as when they were put in, but if it's anywhere near I'll not be in a hurry to go down that road.
Jun 2020
12:36pm, 21 Jun 2020
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Eerily quiet in reading today apart from the sound of helicopters whirring overhead. forbury gardens about 15 mins walk from my house, very shocking stuff.

Stay safe everyone, there are random nutters out there

About This Thread

Maintained by GregP
The Hotel Bastardos Tri Club.
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Coming up:

26 Dec 24
* boxing day cross (FatPoD)

28 Dec 24
* Macclesfield Supacross (FatPoD)

4 Jan 25
* National Trophy round 5 (FatPoD)

11 Jan 25
* National cross champs (FatPoD)

16 Feb 25
* Alicante 10k (LazyDaisy)

27 April 25
* Northstowe Half Marathon (GlennStoleAllThePies)

16 May 25
* LCW Netherlands swim (Aquamondo)

17 May 25
* LCW Netherlands bike (Velomondo)

18 May 25
*LCW Netherlands run (Renmondo)

POTM: Rae 11,918 on p20,397 (last updated 18/07/24)

Twitter: @tribastardos
The Hotel Bastardos.

With just a hint of pesto aioli.

Since 2007.

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