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Project Joker

52 watchers
Mar 2021
10:11pm, 19 Mar 2021
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Fenland Flier
Rmo3b I used a guess last time I did PJ and found it hard work to hit the suggested paces as I wasn't as fit as I hoped.

It's not always good to be running faster paces, I'd certainly suggest your long runs want to be at suggested pace or tbh slower. If you run more than the suggested 3 runs certainly keep them slow, recovery is important.
Mar 2021
10:38pm, 19 Mar 2021
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mr d
Oddly I know my current long run pace is faster than suggested as where the 400m repeats I did last week.
Mar 2021
4:05pm, 24 Mar 2021
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How's everyone getting on?

I've just completed my third week. I had to play a Joker for my long run this weekend - I was really struggling with thyroid fatigue; I did manage to get out to run on Saturday and Sunday, but didn't feel up to a long run. On Sunday, I thought I would try the intervals instead - maybe not the best move when feeling fatigued, but that felt somehow more manageable then a run where I would be plodding along at the same pace, as the session does have rest built in. I did 10 x 400m (trying to alternate between 400s and 800s each week). They were slower than my 400s in week 1, but I expected that in the circumstances, and the reps were all pretty consistent.

Did my tempo run at lunchtime today and was really pleased with it. Similar pace to last week for the two mile tempo section, but the overall pace of the run was quicker as the warm up and cool down miles were a little quicker. The tempo section also felt easier than last week. I know it's only three weeks in, but I do feel that PJ is helping me improve, and it's certainly making me feel more positive about my running.

Mar 2021
5:18pm, 24 Mar 2021
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Fenland Flier
Hi jenny that sounds really positive despite the fatigue. I like PJ as it's only 10 weeks and it gives me a purpose when I do it. Hopefully you will feel energetic enough for a long run this week.

I read Running mum's blog the other day and she's still doing PJ. How's everyone else doing?
Mar 2021
5:28pm, 24 Mar 2021
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Eynsham Red
Well done jennyh. Wise not to do a long run if feeling fatigued, so intervals was a wise alternative, and yes you get rests 🙌

I’ve just completed week two. On my long (8 mile) run on Saturday it was a challenge to keep the pace down. I was with a friend whose dog had “bowel problems” and so the stop starts that resulted meant that my average pace was only a little faster than the target.

Intervals on Monday went well. I’ve been doing 5x800 metre reps, but might mix it up next week as jennyh suggested and do 10x400.

Today’s tempo went much better than last week where I had a combination of wind and various inclines to cope with. Today I ran around a local reservoir. The perimeter path is dead flat and a very good surface. There was a bid of a breeze, but managed to keep my pace fairly even whether it was with me or against me.

I’ll start next week on Saturday. Probably the same routine as last week: L/R, Intervals and then Tempo.
Mar 2021
6:03pm, 24 Mar 2021
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Fenland Flier
Well done ER another post that sounds really positive.
Mar 2021
6:38pm, 24 Mar 2021
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I have abandoned running in favour of Nordic walking. My dodgy knee simply wasn't up to it... Sad in a way, but it made me discover the Nordic Walking, which, two walks in, a long and a tempo one, makes me feel good!
Mar 2021
6:45pm, 24 Mar 2021
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Fenland Flier
Sorry to read that Hanneke but pleased you're still getting out and enjoying the outside world. I hope your knee doesn't give you any stick now and going forwards.
Mar 2021
6:50pm, 24 Mar 2021
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Thanks FF! I had my concerns, as did you and I listened to the knee so on the slightest niggle I backed off.
Practically, I have no joint left in my right knee. The surgeon shaped the bone in such a way it doesn't cause too much trouble and I need to keep.my quads strong, as they retain the joint space so there isn't any bone grinding going on.
First I developed a tight right IT band, from the struggle to stabilise the knee. Then my pes anserinus started niggling and my right hip started niggling, from the IT band, so really, the body she says no!
Ordered poles from Harrier, they arrived in time for my replacement long "run" and never looked back.😀
Mar 2021
6:52pm, 24 Mar 2021
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That sounds really positive ER - I think having a flat (or relatively flat) route definitely helps with the tempo runs.

Sorry to hear about the issues with your knee Hanneke, but glad that you have discovered Nordic Walking and are enjoying it.

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A thread for Project Joker participants to share their training achievements and questions.

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