Nov 2018
3:54pm, 3 Nov 2018
24,975 posts
You are a really nice chap, but I don't feel I know you well enough that you should be giving me this level of detail about your recovery after you prostate op
Nov 2018
6:04am, 4 Nov 2018
5,745 posts
Not been awake since 4am even though I’m tired
Nov 2018
7:55am, 4 Nov 2018
1,231 posts
I am too young to have a 21 year old son😀
Nov 2018
10:29am, 4 Nov 2018
39,490 posts
I am also too young to have a 21 year old son, and my son, who is 24, is too young to be 21.
Nov 2018
11:45am, 4 Nov 2018
3,334 posts
Odd how you're fit to do the fun and jobs which earn you recognition but not the menial and crappy jobs which don't ... isn't it!?
I am more than old enough to have children older than 21 years, but haven't one (or multiple, there of ). And none under 21, mind
Nov 2018
1:40pm, 4 Nov 2018
11,122 posts
I am too young to have a 25-year-old son - (but I will do in a couple of weeks )
To the arsehole, displaying his twattishness on a bike today:
I'm sorry you thought that car got too close to you, it probably did, but don't blame me. As a pedestrian, even if running, it is correct for me to be on the right-hand side of the road facing the oncoming traffic. That car was probably not speeding and I was grateful he gave me so much room. If you had been wearing brighter clothes instead of black he might have seen you too. You would have seen him sooner if you had your head up.
You came from behind me, downhill at speed - I couldn't see or hear you until you started swearing at me!
Nov 2018
3:18pm, 4 Nov 2018
39,494 posts
Oh, dear. You're going to have a fabulous December, aren't you? That's what happens when you piss off people who have options.
Nov 2018
5:39pm, 4 Nov 2018
9,659 posts
[presumably to ex colleagues, Vrap;):)]
Nov 2018
5:43pm, 4 Nov 2018
39,495 posts
[Maybe, Ness ]
Nov 2018
10:25am, 5 Nov 2018
5,633 posts
It’s not your fault that you’re sick. It is your fault that you ignored your significant symptoms for months until you needed 3 months off, and now need fairly long periods off for treatment at regular intervals. I understand that you don’t want to acknowledge it, but it really really screws everyone else and frankly I’m quite resentful of all the extra stress and work I’m having to do. I’ve only got so much capacity.