Feb 2017
2:02pm, 17 Feb 2017
4,621 posts
[Paula - our rules are if you were with us before the indoor smoking ban, (July 2007), you can have a fag break in the morning and one in the afternoon, and you should take 45mins, rather than an hour, for lunch. What tends to happen is the people who smoke don't have lunch, and use their hour break over the course of the day to have fag breaks. This chap, however, was taking an hour for lunch, and having several fag breaks across the day (usually three in a morning and a couple in the afternoon) and so his manager spoke to him. Now he has less, but he's still not down to two a day. The minute his boss leaves, he'll be out the door and days like today when his boss isn't around, he definitely nips out more than he should. He thinks I don't notice either, but I do, as do other people. And when you consider he's only required to work 35 hrs a week, I don't think we're being too onerous in requesting he spend a bit more time at his desk and less time out puffing.
If you joined us after July 2007, you can't take smoking breaks.]
Feb 2017
2:18pm, 17 Feb 2017
6,217 posts
Stop being a racist bastard. You obviously have no idea about the things you are slagging off and you sound like you have been whisked to 3017 from 1960's America.
Feb 2017
2:52pm, 17 Feb 2017
25,518 posts
macca 53
[sometimes - usually when it's very late in the evening and under the influence of alcohol - I think I'm in 3017 ;)]
Feb 2017
3:32pm, 17 Feb 2017
17,524 posts
[That's very interesting Wobbling. Although as a teacher *obviously* things such as fag breaks did not exist, it was remarkable how my puffing colleagues still managed to get out of lunch duty (which was specifically included in our contracts) because they felt they were 'entitled' to leave the premises for a smoke.]
This did not irk me and my non-smoking colleagues one little bit, and we totally respected the Head's generosity towards the smokers.
[Oh, did I say leniency? What I *meant* was 'complete inability to stand up to their whinging'.]
Feb 2017
3:45pm, 17 Feb 2017
4,622 posts
[I've just nipped out to pick up a parcel and saw my smoker some way away from the office, having a fag. He spotted me and hid in an alley. I have no idea how many times he's nipped out this afternoon, but he's evidently feeling guilty.]
You're 62, surely that's way too old to be playing hide and seek?
Feb 2017
4:12pm, 17 Feb 2017
1,544 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
My nose isn't doing a good impression of a tap in dire need of attention from a plumber. Lyl
Feb 2017
4:12pm, 17 Feb 2017
1,545 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
I have enough tissues to last me until I can go home.
Feb 2017
4:20pm, 17 Feb 2017
1,546 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
My workplace is a comfortable temperature today.
Feb 2017
8:34pm, 17 Feb 2017
663 posts
Work was fine thanks - totally have enough brain power to even work the fucking tv remote of all things, and didn't just stare blankly at it for about a minute before the button I wanted was pointed out to me.
Feb 2017
8:52pm, 17 Feb 2017
7,237 posts
Little Nemo
You sent a text at 4pm to say you were finishing early and could get dinner. Then you sent a text at 6:30pm to say you were going for a drink and would get take-away instead. It's now nearly 9pm - where's my bloody food?!?!?