Things you want to say but can't

2 lurkers | 424 watchers
Feb 2016
12:46pm, 16 Feb 2016
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[I *really* like seeing them by the side of the road in the company of a police car. Nothing and nobody gets hurt bar their license and wallet.]
Feb 2016
1:15pm, 16 Feb 2016
13,288 posts
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Having just read back a few pages I am not certain that Carp was talking to my mother about inventing things her neighbour has done. [I regularly get calls from her whispered in 'code' so that next-door can't hear.]

I have not spent an hour on the phone to Talktalk getting increasingly shouty. [The thing that is annoying me most is not the totally crap reliability of their service but the fact that they use the word 'document' as an active verb. It is infuriatingly clear that they do no such thing, because every f***ing time I phone them about the same f***ing problem they insist on going through the same 100 irrelevant questions about my devices.] I would like to introduce my devices to their @rses.
Feb 2016
1:35pm, 16 Feb 2016
2,232 posts
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You can't talk about my arse because I am your professor! [He is a crossfit coach and it is very embarassing. my arse is not a suitable topic of conversation in or out of crossfit]
Feb 2016
1:48pm, 16 Feb 2016
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[I got cut up by somebody going on to the A303 a few years back - overtook me and then went straight across my bows into the slip road. Saw his car a few minutes later on the hard shoulder, bonnet up and hazards flashing. Just glad he didn't blow his head gasket right in front of me]
Feb 2016
2:30pm, 16 Feb 2016
6,635 posts
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I know nothing about this technology stack, you won't identify and give me technically competent resources, how the hell do you expect me to manage this project with any degree of success?
Feb 2016
3:16pm, 16 Feb 2016
626 posts
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Haha Duchess... I too could have written this message... We are not managing the same project are we.... Oh and plus they have just made my TA redundant and no one really knows anything about the strategy....
Feb 2016
6:28pm, 16 Feb 2016
993 posts
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So, one of you has been off all week with a nasty cold, and now the boss is going down with it too?
How about I just stay home rather than come to work and risk catching your germs, seeing as you lot can't seem to do the decent thing and stay away?
I'm not gonna be happy if I get ill.
Feb 2016
6:46pm, 16 Feb 2016
1,132 posts
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The commuter train is late and overcrowded. You have a seat and I don't, which is fine but why of why do you insist on getting out of it a full three miles before we arrive into Aberdeen, picking your back from the overhead racks and squeezing in front of me? Is it so bloody important to be at your desk a full 15 seconds earlier or out of the train door before others who have day to stand in the aisle? GET A LIFE YOU USELESS WASTE OF METABOLISM.
Feb 2016
7:21pm, 16 Feb 2016
2,474 posts
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I'm sorry that my fundraising on facebook is irritating you. You know how to remove me as a friend. I would have thought you of all people would have been more supportive. You are after all a close relative.
Feb 2016
9:18pm, 16 Feb 2016
646 posts
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Lesley C
I'm really looking forward to that.

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Whether it's for legal reasons, the desire to keep your job or just plain self preservation. What w...

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