Oct 2017
8:45pm, 13 Oct 2017
25,082 posts
I agree with FR that sometimes things can be overcomplicated when they don't need to be.
Oct 2017
9:14pm, 13 Oct 2017
1,959 posts
Don't disagree with that but I think the plan I posted up is a bit simpler and more logical. Mostly each session is just a dose of T but (as discussed in the book) rather than doing it all in one solid block, it's broken up into bite-sized pieces to make it more palatable. The breaks between these bits are small enough that the training effect is much the same but it's less stressful doing it. At least that's the idea.
Oct 2017
9:36pm, 13 Oct 2017
3,054 posts
6 easy 2 tempo etc is just a long interval with recovery surely? So no less valid than 3x1m or similar surely?
And in terms of what people are capable of, I thought tempo was more or less defined as being the max pace your could sustain for an hour, so there shouldn't be anyone who can "only" tempo for 5 minutes or 10 minutes etc.
Oct 2017
9:45pm, 13 Oct 2017
13,784 posts
Fenland (Fenners) Runner
But larkim if you run at 10 minute mile tempo pace compared to 5 minute mile you've covered half the distance.
Oct 2017
9:46pm, 13 Oct 2017
13,785 posts
Fenland (Fenners) Runner
...and you're training for the same distance 42km or 26.2 miles?
Oct 2017
9:47pm, 13 Oct 2017
11,990 posts
If your tempo pace is 10 mm then I would suggest there are other plans more suitable than JD
Oct 2017
9:51pm, 13 Oct 2017
3,055 posts
Agree that describing tempo in terms of distance is slightly illogical, though most plans do this (Hal Higdon doesn't though, he measures it in time I think?). But as baz says there are few plans that would really cater well for such wide ranges of pace anyway.
Oct 2017
9:54pm, 13 Oct 2017
11,991 posts
and in the JD book there is a 'novice' plan which I skipped by which though may well be something that a 10mm tempo runner would follow.
Oct 2017
10:10am, 14 Oct 2017
11,993 posts
All the best to Gus and Steve tomorrow. I hope the weather is kind and that you execute the race you have planned and trained for.
Oct 2017
1:19pm, 14 Oct 2017
1,169 posts
Best of luck gents