The Sub 3:15 Marathon Thread

2 lurkers | 333 watchers
Aug 2017
5:41pm, 1 Aug 2017
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Oscar, you are way musclier than me!
Aug 2017
5:43pm, 1 Aug 2017
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Any general formula like that must surely be bollocks, body types vary by quite a bit naturally. I seem to sit around the 10% off level mostly (more now, but not when running hard) and hope to lose a bit in the quest for 2:45. Couple of kgs must make a noticeable difference I'd have thought. But getting down to the 15% level would be seriously difficult, that's a full 10 pounds more to drop!
Aug 2017
5:46pm, 1 Aug 2017
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Oscar the grouch
CW - you are in the lucky few I suspect!

JDA - I tend to agree, as with any structured program you would also expect to add some muscle mass *as well as* losing some fat
Aug 2017
5:57pm, 1 Aug 2017
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Daz Love
To get down to 10% I think would need to be 153.5lbs so just under 11 stone (I am 5ft 11ins)

I am currently at 11st 11lbs so have a bit to lose!

I would actually love to get to 15% which would be around 10st 5lb. Dont think it could happen the way I eat :)
Aug 2017
6:33pm, 1 Aug 2017
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Windsor Wool
Bloody hell Oscar, without meaning to swoon too you work out to stay buff like that? I'm very much at the other end of the weight spectrum, I expect that I lack a bit of power as a result.
Aug 2017
10:07pm, 1 Aug 2017
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Oscar the grouch
Ha ha ha you dope WW!!! :-) Nope. Used to do circuits once a week. I lack a bit of endurance cos I carry that!!! Thanks - you made an old man happy :-)
Aug 2017
10:36pm, 1 Aug 2017
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Hello been watching for a while...nice to see some of the old faces here (and some new).

Back on the sub 3:15 (and hopefully a bit faster) bus for April next year. Running pretty well at the moment, lots of softish pbs, including 1k trail tonight, and hopefully working towards some of the tougher ones over the next few months.

LouLou - I have (thanks to a VERY generous fetchie) VIP tickets for Sunday afternoon and am planning on watching the maras on Sun morning. If you are around let me know.
Aug 2017
8:13am, 2 Aug 2017
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Well the good news is that I can almost certainly rule out a stress fracture as there is a significant improvement in the ankle today after only one rest day. Its probably gone from an 8/10 feeling on Monday to 1 this morning when I woke up and maybe 2 after I did some strengthening exercises I found on the internet. I could have run today but will give it a few more days but also try and do some strengthening as well.

Daz, I would be interested to know what the physio recommended for you. Ones I found were calf stretching, balancing on the offending foot and introducing movement once I can balance well (which I cant) and also something with a resistance band to flex the foot out the way.
Aug 2017
8:21am, 2 Aug 2017
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Windsor Wool
Hi Curly, it'll be nice to see you doing more than acting as a bouncer on the FGFA pen and actually in there (or the Champs start, of course) yourself!

Good news Baz. I admire your good sense too.

Really positive tempo for me last evening. It appears that consistent training works, who'd a though it?
Aug 2017
8:42am, 2 Aug 2017
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That's good news Bazo. I think another easy day would be sensible too, hopefully clear it up fully. It's amazing how the right rehab and attention can accelerate healing so well too.

Wow CW, that's amazingly light weight for a 6ft frame. And Oscar, I suspect you and I are from the football / rugby / rowing end of the sport spectrum - why are we trying to run marathons?!

Curly, good to see you back and running well. Is sub 3:15 Champs for your category? It's been said before, but we forget sometimes that the girls at the 3:0x / 3:15 level are actually chapping on the door of elite, rather than just half-decent old plodders like us blokes. :-) G

About This Thread

Maintained by Windsor Wool
For those who want to go sub 3.15 in a marathon and/or those that have already done it and want to give advice. Share your journey or help someone else's here.

2024 achievers:
Akie: 3:15 @ Rotterdam
allmatthew: 3:09 @ Manchester
Bowman: 3:01 @ Boras
Mark J: 3:12 @ Christchurch NZ
PJH92: 3:13 @ London

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