Nov 2021
4:38pm, 1 Nov 2021
18,647 posts
Hmmm wasn't great even by Chibnall's low standards. Every time it started get vaguely engaging, you got interrupted by a talking dog with an accent or an overworked gag (hitting the tardis with a mallet). I really liked Jodie Whittaker in things like Black Mirror, but here she's become a bit children's TV, there's not much gravitas, and the constant chirpiness is grating.
What happened to the pathos that both Davies and Moffatt injected into Eccelston and Tennant? What happened to the genuine fear and eeriness you used to get back with Tom Baker even? Or what happened to the clever standalone episodes (like Blink or the Doctor's wife (a Gaiman one), with smart scripting? I was mentally edited the speeches as I went through, they have to many words, show don't tell. I never saw Broadchurch but I can't imagine it was any good, as he just doesn't seem to be able to write convicing dialogue.
Nov 2021
4:46pm, 1 Nov 2021
16,494 posts
MarkyMarkMark (3M)
Chrisull, Broadchurch was a very different animal. (Even though the second series was stretching the story out too much.)
As SF goes, I'd say this is a lot less clever than most of the 1950's SF short stories with random aliens - and they usually had more content. I suspect Chibnall was having a very off day indeed when he penned this one.
Nov 2021
6:35pm, 1 Nov 2021
716 posts
If you cut out the start, treat some of the special effects as "a nod to the past", I thought it was one of the better episodes of recent times.
I liekd the John Bishop character so much more than the Bradley Welsh one.
Nov 2021
6:49pm, 1 Nov 2021
372 posts
LouiseRuns 🌹🇬🇧 🇪🇺
I was originally pleased when I heard Jodie W was going to be the new Dr Who, as she's an actress I actually quite like. Normally. But, I'm not convinced for Dr Who. I think it's a combination of not great writing, and not great direction. There's too much breathless running, and high impact effects, and very little contemplativeness. I like the Doctor to have a dark edge, but Jodie's version doesn't seem to have that. I quite liked the Bradley Walsh character, less keen on Yaz. Not sure about John Bishop yet...
Nov 2021
1:33pm, 6 Nov 2021
1,002 posts
Just caught up. I like Jodie Whittaker but the writing is appalling and has made the part unconvincing. Good to see some old favourites and I liked the new creepy brother and sister villains. I wasn’t convinced by John Bishop’s ability to act (I couldn’t stand Bradley Walsh.) In summary, a bit of a mess really.
Nov 2021
2:43pm, 6 Nov 2021
8,837 posts
I think the trouble with trying to compare any DW episode to Blink or the Girl in the Fireplace is that it's like saying any given film is a bit rubbish because it's not Citizen Kane. But what's marked JW's tenure is that, overall, the writing has been particularly bad, which is a shame for her.
Quite liked last week's episode. Yes a lot was going on, but i guess they've decided they've got 6 episodes to explain it.
Nov 2021
7:23pm, 6 Nov 2021
379 posts
Well done to all for resisting the urge to ask what the flux going on.
Bit of a mess and says it all that media seems to still be concentrating on who the next Doctor will be rather than the new series.
Nov 2021
6:48pm, 7 Nov 2021
32,230 posts
Ocelot Spleens
The Sontarans have a slight Scots accent?
Nov 2021
7:15pm, 7 Nov 2021
32,235 posts
Ocelot Spleens
Well that was quite good.
Nov 2021
8:03pm, 7 Nov 2021
2,285 posts
That was so much better than last week's dreadful offering. Far less flash and bangs, and a bit more story, although still far too heavy a reliance on the sonic screwdriver.