The lets motivate each other to do our strength and core work thread...

147 watchers
Oct 2011
1:35pm, 22 Oct 2011
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Siouxsie, imho, there's a difference between strong core and slim/toned "look". I can have strong core, excellent for running but look a bit "flabby". That's because the outer layer of fat is due to eating and calorie burn and hence storage and build up of fat. Exercising the muscles underneath is fine, but you can't "see" them.

Unfortunately anyone who is going for a look, needs to think/work on what they eat. This is true even for body builders/sculptors. They do things like low fat, low cal diets (while eating huge steaks, eggs and so on) adn even reduced water intake (called getting cut or ripped) so that nothing hides the muscle.

However, I think that is almost he *opposite* of health and certainly makes bleep all difference for running, I would just go for doing the sport you enjoy and occasionally watching what you eat. Like rest of us! :-)G
Oct 2011
2:38pm, 22 Oct 2011
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The Terminator
Great work people and fantastic motivating Lili.

Have already done my session for the day but that H plan is so handy will do at least once a week, maybe more.

I will begin to share pesterers out now but as Lili said is really to go arm in arm with general motivation on the thread. Hopefully though knowing someone specific is watching may push us even on the days we really can't be bothered. Is up to the individual partners to decide how they go about it. I though, for instance, will be paired with Lili and am telling her now that I will be doing major sessions on Wednesdays and Fridays with at least one core H session thrown in too on either a Saturday or Sunday morning. I know for a fact that Lil will hunt me down on them days somewhere on Fetch so will probably end up doing them first thing in the morning to escape her wrath. :-)
Oct 2011
2:57pm, 22 Oct 2011
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TT - yup managed to gently persuade 2 people to do that core H session! :)

Just so you know, my major sessions will be Mondays and Fridays with the core H probably on a Wedsesday if I'm not too tired from my run commute :)

Now I just need to decide what to do for my *major* sessions!
Oct 2011
3:00pm, 22 Oct 2011
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The Terminator
Think I will mix mine up a little Lil, have menatally logged Mondays and Fridays though. :-) Surely if you do your core H first thing in the morning you wont be too tired from your run commute or is the run on a Tuesday?
Oct 2011
3:04pm, 22 Oct 2011
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The run will be on a Wednesday = 6.5 miles mostly uphill - will have to leave about 6.15am :-o Luckily the home run will be down hill so should be home by 4pm :) Should be enough time for a lttle core H seesion aafter that!
Oct 2011
3:33pm, 22 Oct 2011
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A few more ideas here:

You probably won't want to do them that fast though!!
Oct 2011
3:43pm, 22 Oct 2011
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The Scribbler
Eeek I just realised I have joined this group just in time to miss my regular Monday pilates session. So I'll have to make sure I do my own session instead. That Core H plan looks hardcore!
Oct 2011
3:52pm, 22 Oct 2011
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It's not that hard Scribbler - just cut it back to 30s rather than 60s to start with :)
Oct 2011
3:54pm, 22 Oct 2011
26,019 posts
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I must say the core H exercises are interesting must give them a go :-)
Oct 2011
3:56pm, 22 Oct 2011
6,064 posts
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Go for it Toks! :)

About This Thread

Maintained by MaT.T
This is the place to motivate, share ideas and plans and tell us success stories regards improvements in your running and day to day life as a result of your strength and core work.

Pfitzinger's core conditioning for runners -

Beginner Triathlete Hard Core Exercises -

Physio room core strengthening programme -

Runner's World basic strength moves -

Dynamic stretching exercises (Warm up) -

Static stretching exercises (Cool down) -

5 pilates beginners exercises to try -

10 min pilates abs workout on this page of the thread -

20 minute killer core workout on this page of the thread -

Man maker kettlebell workout on this page of the thread -

10 minute ab workout on this page of the thread-

Beginners Pilates workout on this page of the thread -

Standing Core exercises -

10 minute core work out cyclists:,0

Mo farah and Galen Rupp stability routine -

Core H ten minute plan on this page of the thread -

10 minute pilates abs workout on this page of the thread

Standing core workout

200 sit up challenge

Jillian MIchaels Six week six pack workout level one, 30 day shred level 1, 2 and 3 on this page

Kettlebell core exercises on this page of the thread

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  • exercises
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