The lets motivate each other to do our strength and core work thread...

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Sep 2016
8:34pm, 7 Sep 2016
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Red Squirrel
Hello lovelies.

I'm paying off a debt at the mo so living on virtually nothing and working like a dog. Being totally selfish, I want a free workout and people to motivate me. Does anyone fancy putting a whole body workout together with me and then motivating each other? Perhaps we could split it into areas so people have a choice. What I mean by that is:

Back - choice of a few exercises we decide on
Abs ditto

Then we choose how often and post on here what we did. Thoughts please folks.

I don't actually know what the current thinking re: good practice is either. IE:

Do the same thing in one week then move on to a different set the next
Mix it up in the week.
Do different areas of the body on different days.

Oooh it's a minefield ...
Sep 2016
8:43pm, 7 Sep 2016
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Just to give you an idea, I currently work these muscle groups every week and have seen good results and no loss in strength.

Mon: Biceps and back
Tue: Cardio twice (something like cycling/rowing and a run)
Wed: Chest and triceps

Thur: Cardio twice or a hiit bodyweight circuit
Fri: Shoulders
Sat: Possible parkrun and abs
Sun: Race/rest.
Sep 2016
10:13pm, 7 Sep 2016
11,144 posts
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I don't even know what some of those things in the workout (previous page) are. Russian twists, for example.

Need to look for things we can do at home, and without needing to invest in expensive equipment (noting Red Squirrel's situation).
Sep 2016
10:16pm, 7 Sep 2016
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Red Squirrel
Ah - just spotted workouts to the right, so will compile my programme from those.

I saw your abs thing Gooner, thanks for posting. I like the bicycle exercise.
Sep 2016
10:23pm, 7 Sep 2016
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No worries, you can do all on that list at home, just use something from 2kg up for a weight for the russian twists and adjust to your strength :)
Sep 2016
9:55am, 8 Sep 2016
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Red Squirrel
I'll look on Freecycle for a 6K medicine ball. I also like to use it to do the behind the head lift up things, while keeping legs on floor.
Sep 2016
4:53pm, 8 Sep 2016
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Excellent re bounce of this excellent thread. I do most of my core with no weights - wobble board squats, single leg squats, all the abs, plank, situps stuff, loads of Pilates moves - leg lifts, clam, back work - swan, swimming, roll overs, unweighted deadlifts etc. Free and hard, low impact, high benefit.

You've just made me want to go to gym! :-) G
Sep 2016
9:39pm, 8 Sep 2016
19,373 posts
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Red Squirrel
I've got a free night tomorrow so will work on a plan and post it here. Grrr - what's a deadlift without a weight?
Sep 2016
11:50am, 10 Sep 2016
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Squirrel - I suppose it's just touching your toes! :-) But in Pilates what the teacher emphasizes is a slow roll down (stretch for spine, lower back, hips, glutes and hams) but to rise by clenching glutes and feeling the pull on your hams as you rise. A very gentle version of deadlift. Not going to build massive strength, but compared to my sitting at a desk all day, I feel it may have some benefit? :-) G
Sep 2016
12:42pm, 10 Sep 2016
19,387 posts
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Red Squirrel
Thanks G, I know what you mean. Will run it past my yoga friend on Monday.

About This Thread

Maintained by MaT.T
This is the place to motivate, share ideas and plans and tell us success stories regards improvements in your running and day to day life as a result of your strength and core work.

Pfitzinger's core conditioning for runners -

Beginner Triathlete Hard Core Exercises -

Physio room core strengthening programme -

Runner's World basic strength moves -

Dynamic stretching exercises (Warm up) -

Static stretching exercises (Cool down) -

5 pilates beginners exercises to try -

10 min pilates abs workout on this page of the thread -

20 minute killer core workout on this page of the thread -

Man maker kettlebell workout on this page of the thread -

10 minute ab workout on this page of the thread-

Beginners Pilates workout on this page of the thread -

Standing Core exercises -

10 minute core work out cyclists:,0

Mo farah and Galen Rupp stability routine -

Core H ten minute plan on this page of the thread -

10 minute pilates abs workout on this page of the thread

Standing core workout

200 sit up challenge

Jillian MIchaels Six week six pack workout level one, 30 day shred level 1, 2 and 3 on this page

Kettlebell core exercises on this page of the thread

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