The lets motivate each other to do our strength and core work thread...

147 watchers
Jan 2014
2:13pm, 22 Jan 2014
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The Terminator
My motivation has been poor for too long, not sure what to do. Is hard when running up to 70 miles a week and cycling 50 or so plus life stuff. Used to be good when I paired us up to nag each other didn't it? Anyone want to nag me?

I am going to start tonight though and put a plan together then if anyone wants to nag me they will have something to refer to :-)
Monday, Thursday and Saturday are rest/recovery days so will do it then. Is the only piece of the jigsaw missing I think....
Jan 2014
2:26pm, 22 Jan 2014
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we never expected the outcome of the challenge to be that we would all suddenly be able to run better because we could hold a plank for 5 mins (although by asking on this thread I've probably given the impression that we considered that link). I suspect for the person who set the challenge the reason was the she likes to know that she's the one that can run further/faster and she found another way to demonstrate that she could do another thing better ;) But Scribbler is right, the unexpected benefit has been that I've stuck to it every day and a habit is starting to form. Now that that's happened, a better use of my motivation is to spend that 5 mins or so doing a few different moves for a minute or so each. :)
Jan 2014
2:29pm, 22 Jan 2014
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and yep Sharkie, I've found this thread helpful in the past when I've wanted to concentrate on core strength :) Back in the beginning I was paired up with RichHL and I recall us sending a couple of pestering emails to each other but it sort of tailed off after a while. However, I still get a reminder that I really should do some core work every time I see a post or a blog by Rich ;)
Jan 2014
2:54pm, 22 Jan 2014
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The Scribbler
SusieSueH tell your challenger I'll take her on at press ups or kettlebell snatches ;-)
Jan 2014
2:57pm, 22 Jan 2014
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ha ha I'd like to see that!
Jan 2014
3:50pm, 22 Jan 2014
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2 minutes :-O Well done SusieSue! I struggle with 20 seconds at the moment (sometimes less). This is mainly because it's really hard on my shoulders and my back comes into play. My Pilates teacher emphasizes doing it right not for a long time. One thing she said early on in our classes is that there is no point doing something that's beyond you (ie you are using compensation in other parts of the body) as that just trains the wrong muscles (which is probably what got me to this mess to start with!). So I'm at peace with my brief 'half' planks as I build strength :-)

I do find I vary too - some days longer is easier and other days I struggle with 10 seconds!

On the plus side my core strength is now pretty good even if planks are hard :-)
Jan 2014
4:25pm, 22 Jan 2014
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Aargh - am not sure what's going on.

I'm an ex Pilates teacher (two year TT course and started Pilates in the late 70s before it was remotely popular) so my core stuff is still ok - although has to be kept up - but I think I am a bit weedy and have let my weights sessions slide.

Although not great on endurance OBV sprinting works strength and core more than distance running but I must I must I must improve my bust. No - that's not what I meant to say :-)

I could do with getting to grips with press ups again.... wah. And I was advised by some sports scientists to do more leg strength stuff...
Jan 2014
9:01pm, 22 Jan 2014
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Red Squirrel
I like that link Terminator - thanks. I will be attempting those on Friday. I notice the link's in the header.
Jan 2014
9:08pm, 22 Jan 2014
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The Terminator
No probs RS, enjoy, and yes I always put new links in the header :-)

I have populated my plan with sessions. See if that gets me going.
Jan 2014
9:10pm, 22 Jan 2014
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Good idea Term. I think I'll try that to remind me what needs doing

About This Thread

Maintained by MaT.T
This is the place to motivate, share ideas and plans and tell us success stories regards improvements in your running and day to day life as a result of your strength and core work.

Pfitzinger's core conditioning for runners -

Beginner Triathlete Hard Core Exercises -

Physio room core strengthening programme -

Runner's World basic strength moves -

Dynamic stretching exercises (Warm up) -

Static stretching exercises (Cool down) -

5 pilates beginners exercises to try -

10 min pilates abs workout on this page of the thread -

20 minute killer core workout on this page of the thread -

Man maker kettlebell workout on this page of the thread -

10 minute ab workout on this page of the thread-

Beginners Pilates workout on this page of the thread -

Standing Core exercises -

10 minute core work out cyclists:,0

Mo farah and Galen Rupp stability routine -

Core H ten minute plan on this page of the thread -

10 minute pilates abs workout on this page of the thread

Standing core workout

200 sit up challenge

Jillian MIchaels Six week six pack workout level one, 30 day shred level 1, 2 and 3 on this page

Kettlebell core exercises on this page of the thread

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  • exercises
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