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The Environment Thread :-)

1 lurker | 58 watchers
Apr 2022
2:44pm, 11 Apr 2022
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3M (aka MarkyMarkMark)
Most washing machines have a built in delay timer these days... you don't need the tech to be quite so smart!

We usually set ours for overnight, not specifically to save energy but so it's ready to hang on the line when we are getting up, so it's not sitting in the machine damp (and getting creases set in as a result).

If the weather is suitable, hanging the washing out like this saves on energy to dry it (or humidity in the house if you can't hang it and don't have/want a tumble dryer), and because it moves as it's drying it will need less ironing - saving energy again.

I know I'm preaching to the choir, but there are simple changes in behaviour we can make without having to spend on more technical solutions to achieve a similar result.
Apr 2022
2:47pm, 11 Apr 2022
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Agree 3M, but as you say, this thread is "the choir". For the rest of the masses, anything that makes it more obvious, easier, the norm is good, to ingrain good habits and make the changes that are needed.

I *commit* to setting my next wash to run overnight, not during day! :-) G
Apr 2022
2:52pm, 11 Apr 2022
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Problem with washing overnight is the noise. Unless your house is mahoosive. Same with dishwasher, ours does an annoying beep when finished, to wake you up so you open the door to let it dry :-)

1st world problems, I know. Never bothered with a dishwasher before we inherited this one with the house. The internet is full of how much water and energy they save, but seem to be assuming you otherwise wash each item under a freely running tap using several litres for each piece of cutlery even....who actually does this?
Apr 2022
2:57pm, 11 Apr 2022
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My house is a tiny 2 bed and my bedroom is more or less over the kitchen where the washing machine is.

It never wakes me up when I run it overnight.

Load shifting can be useful, but not sure microchanges to demand will make all that much difference tbh. Seems gimicky to me.
Apr 2022
2:57pm, 11 Apr 2022
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Actually, yes dishwasher too - even that has a time delay setting, might do that as well. The beep on ours isn't that loud! Ditto washing machine. Might save me a few pennies too! Thanks. :-) G
Apr 2022
3:40pm, 11 Apr 2022
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3M (aka MarkyMarkMark)
Oddly, no time on the dishwasher. But it normally goes on overnight as we go to bed.... two closed doors sorts the dishwasher beep!

I refused to keep the washing machine in the kitchen because of the noise - in ye olde days before a built in timer of course!
Apr 2022
3:43pm, 11 Apr 2022
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Unless you're on a cheaper tariff overnight, there is no incentive to alter habits.

My washer is way too noisy to run overnight.

Tried using a slow cooker, ended up giving it to a friend as everything I cooked in it was horrible! They love it.
Apr 2022
3:49pm, 11 Apr 2022
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Slow cookers are great.

The only issue is that unless you're at home in a morning, you need to prep everything the night before. and then have room in your fridge to leave it overnight.
Apr 2022
3:54pm, 11 Apr 2022
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This is why smart meter roll out was so important and unfortunately UK electricity companies (and the quangos running the smart meter roll out) have screwed up so much.

As cackleberry says, financial incentive is the biggest driver of behaviour change. And cheaper off-peak tariffs and usage can be unlocked best by smart meters.

If your device doesn't have a timer, as long as you can set it to come on when turned on, then you can use a wall socket timer


£5 for this example. :-) G
Apr 2022
4:03pm, 11 Apr 2022
12,348 posts
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I think it’s more likely that a few major energy stores are designed smartly, than that multiple appliances are time shifted.

EV charging, heating (energy store?/water tank) and domestic battery seem the most obvious opportunities to me. These can all soak up spare energy as it’s available and then give it back when required.

About This Thread

Maintained by HappyG(rrr)
I've seen environment (whether emissions, power, climate change, access to countryside, whatever you think of as "environment") discussed in various threads: Politics (obviously), the Electric Car thread fetcheveryone.com/forum/electric-car-anyone-61481/ , run free's excellent "Competitive Running and Keeping The Environment Clean" fetcheveryone.com/forum/running-competitively-keeping-our-environment-clean-60907/ my own Greta Thunberg thread fetcheveryone.com/forum/greta-thunberg---jfk-for-the-climate-generation-61044/ etc. but I haven't seen a general one.

So here it is. For those interested in the science, the politics, the action for (and I'll state that for me, this is mostly pro-environment, anti-emissions, anti-pollution etc.) and the hope for the future of our planet.

Useful links posted by contributors:
rf_fozzy: This is quite a good article about how disruptive technology works too: lesswrong.com
Basically about why Kodak completely missed the boat when it came to digital cameras timkastelle.org
run free's Grand Designs example Ben Laws is a man who built his dream: granddesignsmagazine.com granddesignsmagazine.com
Carbon Commentary carboncommentary.com
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