Aug 2019
10:33pm, 21 Aug 2019
5,352 posts
What an interesting thread. Now I know why back in June we had to start putting the cutlery in the right holes. Or maybe that was back in ‘18. Time flies.
Aug 2019
11:08pm, 21 Aug 2019
461 posts
We still haven't picked a dishwasher model, but I will read back through this thread at the weekend as I think we need to start making decisions soon!
Aug 2019
9:52pm, 22 Aug 2019
9,500 posts
Meanwhile, I continue to load/stack the dishwasher properly.... 🤣
Aug 2019
9:54pm, 22 Aug 2019
42,848 posts
We're coming up to our second no-dishwasher anniversary. We don't use enough dishes to justify replacing it at the moment.
Aug 2019
10:23pm, 22 Aug 2019
464 posts
I suspect that I am lazier than V'rap. OH not having done the dishes in time for me to cook dinner, or not having done the things i need, or having stacked them in an unhelpful way is the thing we argue about the most.
I look forward to having a dishwasher, and being able to argue about stacking it wrong, running it at the wrong time, putting the wrong things in it and so on!
(I've never lived anywhere with a working dishwasher, so I don't really know who it will work out.)
Aug 2019
10:32pm, 22 Aug 2019
3,222 posts
Fizz :-)
WW has just been allowed, under supervision, to put the tablet in the dishwasher and turn it on.
Advanced loading tuition may follow
Aug 2019
10:35pm, 22 Aug 2019
40,862 posts
Steady now...
Aug 2019
10:37pm, 22 Aug 2019
42,849 posts
Washing up isn't an issue for us. Whoever decides that it needs doing does it. It ends up being done most days, we don't end up with a stack of festering dishes.
Aug 2019
8:08am, 23 Aug 2019
12,015 posts
Johnny come lately here.
Answering the original question it's me who loads the DW best at my place, but then again I live alone.
Historically though I've tended to. Be the one who did it, after being sick of unloading the thing and only having Ankit 25 % of what was in there put awayable due to cramming shit in and poorly trained kids not scaping, in fact I went on strike for a while and refused to scrape anyone elses plate, but a) no one noticed our cared and b) it just made more work for me, all of that is a different story best forgotten.
A brief history of of DW's ...
Didn't have one till 05 then at EX's suggestion got a zanussi it lasted until 20 minutes post warranty and broke, guy said cheaper to replace them repair.
Got a Bosch which as far as I know EX is still enjoying to this day.
Another Bosch dwelt in the flat I had it worked well..
You know what I honestly cannot remember if macottage had a DW or not, it was so small it can't have!
Anyway when the house was bought it was another bosch the same as others from pics.
The only problem with it was it refused to work without enough rinse aid or salt despite tablets having this and I couldn't figure out how to tell it to stop being so fussy.
As far as I know that is still doing dishes.
In this house I have inherited a slim line beko.
I have no idea of its provinance. It works well and does not care of the salt/rinse aid light is on.
Like IM said before it's size is against it, I suspect it uses the same power as a full size one, bit is difficult to load your always in your own way and the big saute pan pretty much fills the top deck.
Oh garlic presses take the basket thing out, hang it over the blade of an incorrectly 😋 oriented fork.
Things I have put though a DW ....
Err everything, various bits of my old mini's went though prior to repair and many bike parts get cleaned up in there, it cassettes and chain rings come out like new.
My other tip for stubborn stains is use the steamer from the coffee machine.
Aug 2019
12:12pm, 23 Aug 2019
3,868 posts
Horse bits and stirrups come up lovely in the dishwasher, as does Lego (in a net bag) and other hard plastic toys.
I prefer to be in charge of loading so I can dishwash highly unsuitable items and also for efficiency of packing. OH tends to run it about two-thirds full.