May 2023
12:58pm, 6 May 2023
3,921 posts
Pou Pou LePhoõk
The Police don’t make the rules, they just try their best to enforce them within the remit of the law.
May 2023
1:05pm, 6 May 2023
3,878 posts
OK Mr Policeman. Tugs forelock.
May 2023
1:10pm, 6 May 2023
78,710 posts
I think that in addition to going through the correct channels, it is important to raise awareness anywhere and everywhere, however small the audience.
May 2023
1:12pm, 6 May 2023
23,786 posts
Dave A
Lawful is not necessarily morally correct so I wonder at what point a police officer says I don't agree with this law and refuse to enforce it or leave the force. I have people very close to me in the force who justify their actions as just 'following the law' and I although I understand they have their own conditions guiding their actions I cannot agree with them. I have also been told that in the recruitment process applicants who display empathy are not recruited?
Everyone has different moral standards, so what is morally correct for one might be different for another.
My limited experience of the recruitment process suggests that you have to Denise a level of emotional awareness.
For not empathising? Not sure about that one within the process. It certainly helps when on the frontline in dealing with and resolving situations.
May 2023
1:12pm, 6 May 2023
78,711 posts
Also, in my experience, the police are trained to use the full weight of their powers to shut down situations as quickly and unequivocally as possible and need little encouragement to do so.
May 2023
1:12pm, 6 May 2023
2,430 posts
What?? We're not allowed to spout drivel on t'internet? But that's what it's for!
May 2023
1:13pm, 6 May 2023
24,798 posts
Fetch would need to get a real job
May 2023
1:39pm, 6 May 2023
9,662 posts
Eynsham Red
So what are the particular public order issues that don't apply to, say, every football match every Saturday afternoon? I think you must realise that's a straw-clutchingly weak argument, not least because it's not one that anyone in authority has been foolish enough to make. So tell me what are these new laws that were introduced this week then if not to do just that? Somebody has been foolish enough to make them.
May 2023
2:00pm, 6 May 2023
7,976 posts
Fizz :-)
Well, I’ve enjoyed the coronation. I swore the oath and had a hint of tears in my eyes when the soldiers cheered.
May 2023
2:14pm, 6 May 2023
7,728 posts
Have to say I enjoyed it too. Some of the new music was a bit eclectic for my taste but overall it was great!