Mar 2016
10:57am, 27 Mar 2016
616 posts
I don't use my Garmin often enough to be bothered with using it here Columba! I generally prefer to run "free"; I have some specific perfectly measured routes for time trials etc. My wife reckons I should do sub ten...we'll see!
Mar 2016
1:24pm, 27 Mar 2016
13,754 posts
There's a mile race on tomorrow morning about 10 miles away. I haven't entered but I believe entries on the day are available. I plodded out a very slow 6 miles this morning and felt slow and old (and my kneecaps hurt:-( .) The weather forecast for tomorrow is abysmal.
It would be a fun thing to do though...
Mar 2016
2:00pm, 28 Mar 2016
622 posts
You certainly aren't slow and old LD! I see you do a little over 10 minute miling for six miles and that's damned fine. In fact , almost awesome!
Mar 2016
2:37pm, 28 Mar 2016
9,551 posts
2 and a half minutes "hardly comfortable" accomplished this morning, embedded in a 5.33 mile run most of which was at "easy" pace. Exactly a quarter of a mile. While this suggests 10 minute miling (though Garmin said it was 10:02mm), I couldn't have kept that pace going for much longer.
*wonders whether LD did the 1-mile race*
Mar 2016
5:49pm, 28 Mar 2016
13,764 posts
No :-(. I was a bit late getting up (by which I mean 8 am instead of 7am, so not student-lazy late) and thus late taking the dog for her walk, and by the time I got back from that it was very tight for time for getting over to the race. I also felt the still strong wind would make any times a bit of a nonsense in terms of a benchmark for the year. I shall enter ahead of time next year, and then will *have* to do it
Mar 2016
5:50pm, 28 Mar 2016
13,765 posts
And steve45 - thank you!
Mar 2016
9:02am, 29 Mar 2016
625 posts
That's tough trying to embed a speed session within your 5.3 miler Columba..just as it should be I suppose. Another month of doing that every week with slight increments and you'll be there! I'm waiting for calm days and slightly warmer mornings before I have a go.
Mar 2016
9:07am, 29 Mar 2016
9,557 posts
Thank you Steve - that's encouraging (and saves me having to look back to the earlier pages of this thread to see what my next move should be)
Apr 2016
10:41am, 3 Apr 2016
636 posts
Pretty sure I dipped under ten minutes per mile for the last two miles of a four mile run on Friday. But...I didn't wear my Garmin so I'm still chasing it!
Apr 2016
4:45pm, 7 Apr 2016
7,865 posts
Maz Heeps
Hi all, hope everyone is ok?!
I've been very lapse in my speedwork lately, so decided to pop out and try some intervals last night.
warm up, to the half mile mark, and beyond just to give me the round number minute to start my split on... then as follows..................
1) 0.56m - 7:00 (12:35/m) warmup 2) 0.11m - 1:00 (8:53/m) eyeballs out 3) 0.17m - 2:00 (11:57/m) recover 4) 0.11m - 1:00 (8:54/m) eyeballs out 5) 0.22m - 3:00 (13:24/m) recover, needed 3 minutes, 2 minutes wasn't enough! 6) 0.12m - 1:00 (8:48/m) eyeballs out 7) 0.17m - 2:00 (11:37/m) recover 8) 0.1m - 1:00 (9:33/m) less eyeballs but still effort 9) 0.17m - 2:00 (12:05/m) recover 10) 0.06m - 30secs (10:01/m) less eyeballs and only 30secs! 11) 0.22m - 2:30 (11:06/m) 2:30 recovery, getting lazy! 12) 0.06m - 30secs (8:10/m) 30secs punishment don't be so lazy eyeballs out at one point was sub 8 pace!! 13) 0.18m - 2:00 (11:24/m) recover and die!
Need to be more strict with myself, but was very happy with the last 30 second effort for pace, and some nice sharkie spikes!! but i definitely faded in the second half of each minute interval... so maybe need to control it on a number rather than perceived effort?
Thoughts.... Feel free not to blow smoke up my bum... i know it wasn't brilliant!