Could anyone else do this? Sub-5 mile and 500lb squat

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Jul 2020
8:58pm, 17 Jul 2020
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Do you need a moment alone with your autocorrect, Nellers? ;)

Sub 5 mile is definitely the harder of the two imo but they both take a fair amount of dedication. Bith at the same time just seems ridiculous!
Jul 2020
9:03pm, 17 Jul 2020
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A mile is not close to sprinting. Yes the longer the distance, the higher the aerobic component but the a mile still has a very high aerobic component. The top 8 in the Olympic 5000m and 10000m final, would beat the top 8 in the 100m, 200m, 400m over a mile (some 400/800 types might be able to put up a fight).

I'm sub 5 (I've done one mile to get the achievement but my 1500m times have been sub 5 for the last three years) but nowhere near that squat and never will be . It's more than 3 times my bodyweight and I was happy to squat 1.5 for 5 reps earlier this year.
Jul 2020
9:19pm, 17 Jul 2020
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Just checked and CF list him at 215 pounds. 40 pounds weight loss gains him 46 seconds according to this: Guess elite talent means still fast compared to amateurs but could be faster as a specialist (same applies to Viada I presume).

I'd imagine this feat would be hard for anyone prioritising running as you need to put on weight to lift that much.
Jul 2020
10:19am, 18 Jul 2020
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Butchered the link above:
Jul 2020
9:44pm, 18 Jul 2020
36,754 posts
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Agree SPR. Carrying enough muscle mass to do the squat is going to slow you down a fair bit on the mile.

I saw today that a guy had done a 500lb deadlift and a sub 5 mile, which is a bit easier but still impressive.

Then I saw that he's a professional cricketer! This seems a bit weird to me.
Jul 2020
9:52pm, 18 Jul 2020
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Sprinting speed is good for cricket which will play well into deadlifting, he must just either have good genetics for high intensity cardio or do a lot of cardio training too.

I agree the thought of it is odd on first sight though.
Jul 2020
10:10pm, 18 Jul 2020
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I found the guy you're talking about (Jamie Crawley), he certainly doesn't look all that bulky and as you say, deadlift would generally be easier. I guess a crossfitter would have to carry more upper body bulk for other exercises which would impair running
Jul 2020
2:23pm, 23 Jul 2020
36,793 posts
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Interesting interview (if you're interested) with the man himself. Talks about his background an his training for the 500lb/5 minute challenge.
Jul 2020
2:00pm, 31 Jul 2020
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Apparently the answer to my question turns out to be yes, and he's British, and he went one better (or worse depending on your point of view.

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