Thames Bridges challenge

112 watchers
Feb 2016
8:07pm, 26 Feb 2016
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Feb 2016
8:11pm, 26 Feb 2016
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Fleecy I won't meet you at Waterloo as you'll be there much earlier than I'm planning to be. I don't need to go to the pub first and I need to drop off ds on my way.

See you all tmrw!
Feb 2016
8:15pm, 26 Feb 2016
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Just starting to gather my stuff and checking my running backpack, and found 2 x £5 stashed away in one of the little pockets :-)
Feb 2016
8:18pm, 26 Feb 2016
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Oooo, always nice to have a windfall!:)
Feb 2016
8:19pm, 26 Feb 2016
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Yeah going to do the same shouldn't find money in mine as only acquired it today as my rucksacks weren't suitable no straps at front to secure it more

But you never know
Feb 2016
8:25pm, 26 Feb 2016
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Thames Bridges Challenge 4 - Final Arrangements

So. Those with a bag for the droppage of, can you be in Greenwich at the Cutty Sark BOAT for 10:30? I will accompany to the Cutty Sark PUB if required for 10:45 and then a swiftish return to the BOAT.

All others starting from the BOAT, there will be a brief briefing for 11:00 for setting off shortly thereafter.

The route will be:
Through the foot tunnel to the North bank of the Thames. At which point we turn LEFT and follow the river and Thames Path signs West. When in doubt, keep the river on your LEFT. After approx. 5 miles we will reach Tower Bridge. Cross Tower Bridge. There are steps in a little passageway at either side.

Those starting from the BRIDGE, I will endeavour to be there for 12:15 or thereabouts. If I get there early (;-o), I will wait till 12:15. I recommend waiting at the red flag in this pic. It’s on the riverbank outside City Hall.

From here, we go 5 miles East, still keeping the river on our LEFT. We arrive at the Cutty Sark BOAT to whoops and cheers. But then we go on, another half mile approx. to the Cutty Sark PUB still following Thames Path signs.

Sometimes the signs get defaced or moved around,

but generally you’ll be alright if you keep the river on your LEFT.

I will hand out my phone number tomorrow to any that want it in case you get lost and want directions!

I’m posting this in the Thames Bridges Thread, the 700 Thread, the Mundane Thread and as a Blog. If you haven’t read it, let me know ;-)

Anything before tomorrow you need, fmail me. I'll be trying to get to sleep with the assistance of my good friends, Mr Pinot and Ms Grigio.
Feb 2016
8:25pm, 26 Feb 2016
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Hi McG, I'm Mike Dimmick - JD's brother. At the time I filled in the form, I was using my real name as my handle on here! Look forward to meeting you tomorrow, probably quite a lot of you for the first time!
Feb 2016
8:27pm, 26 Feb 2016
14,393 posts
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*keep river on the left. Keep river on the left. Keep river on the left....*
Feb 2016
8:27pm, 26 Feb 2016
22,007 posts
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Ah, it's all coming together now. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow then - a fish has been reserved :-)
Feb 2016
8:28pm, 26 Feb 2016
22,862 posts
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Welcome RN (Mike)

About This Thread

Maintained by McGoohan
Welcome to the TBC thread.

1. Cross a bridge when you can.
2. Try not to fall in.
3. That's it.

Next event: 8th March 2025

Route: TBCed

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Listing to come veeeehhhhry shortly

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