Support thread for students, mature and otherwise...

1 lurker | 33 watchers
May 2020
2:33pm, 15 May 2020
63,699 posts
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You've regained a good grasp on your studies now, early bird. :)
May 2020
3:28pm, 15 May 2020
110 posts
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Lots of positives here which are good to see. Dissertation / Final Year Project submitted last week, another coursework submitted today. One exam (from home) in two weeks and university will be over... thoughts of a masters have begun to creep in
May 2020
4:47pm, 15 May 2020
36,492 posts
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Well done, matt. Do it!
May 2020
6:16pm, 15 May 2020
1,076 posts
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Well done Matt. Goes quickly doesn't it.
May 2020
6:35pm, 15 May 2020
49,984 posts
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Dr PhFleecyD
Ooh well done Matt! My degree was OU so it was all distance learning, I didn’t fancy a masters online though, but a masters is far more rewarding and interesting than an undergrad degree. I really enjoyed mine, did it part-time to fit round my kids, it was full on but very worthwhile.

Then you can do a PhD which is even better :)
May 2020
2:38pm, 22 May 2020
5,306 posts
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Speaking of PhD...

I know I said to shoot me if I ever mentioned studying again...

But with potentially no full time job from Sept, I'm debating doing a PhD. (Financially it's just about doable).

But i'd also looked at doing a Prof Doc.

Other than Prof doc appearing to have more taught content, does anyone have any opinions on which is best? Pros? Cons etc?

(I still may ask to be shot but I'll toy with the idea a bit longer)
May 2020
3:25pm, 22 May 2020
36,828 posts
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I don't know anything about prof doc. PhD has to be something you love unless you are doing it to get an academic job. I think Fleecy loved hers. I did mine to get a job.
May 2020
3:25pm, 22 May 2020
36,829 posts
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But we'll be with you every step of the way :)
May 2020
4:27pm, 22 May 2020
50,031 posts
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Dr PhFleecyD
I have no idea about the difference I’m afraid, whether either is useful must depend on your field. If you have a uni and maybe a supervisor in mind I would contact the head of PhDs and ask if a current PhD would like to talk to you. My second supervisor asked me to meet up with a couple of prospective students over the years to discuss what it was like. Choose your supervisor carefully too!
May 2020
5:15pm, 22 May 2020
5,308 posts
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Thank you... not sure why I'm doing it. I've had an idea and there's not much literature on it. Do I love it? Probably not. I don't need it for a job yet either. But may do.

A lot to think about. :-)

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Maintained by LindsD
All students, old, young, full or part-time, at any level, welcome here. There are also some poacher turned gamekeeper tutors hanging around....

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