May 2020
6:26pm, 22 May 2020
2,455 posts
1step - I had a quick google and look at options. Are you looking full time or part time?
Speaking as a non-academic, although got as far as masters ... Seems Prof Doc may be cheaper? And if health related may get some ££ bursary/support? As you say, more teaching, but still a 1-2 year 'project' that may have a slightly looser research or 'new' or 'adds to the subject knowledge' element than a PhD. It looks more structured and institution based rather than a PhD , which I assume is very dependent to the supervisor.
But also 'new' - so would it be accepted professionally, if that's what you want, as a PhD.
As above - I'd suggest asking around in the academic communtiy as well as your 'employment' community, if that's why you're thinking of it.
May 2020
6:30pm, 22 May 2020
2,456 posts
And stupidly, I'd been thinking along similar lines. I'm retired, I'm not travelling. I still feel 'young' and motivated. Should I go and try a PhD (something IT / operational / change or project management) and put my experience and thoughts to potential use - even though it's really only a personal hobby/challenge.
vs do I want a 3-5 year commitment ?
May 2020
9:10pm, 22 May 2020
1,118 posts
Sorry can't really help 1step. We have PhD and MD programmes, but I'm not sure about ProfDoc.
um - sounds like a perfect time to do one um.
May 2020
9:19pm, 22 May 2020
5,312 posts
Thanks Um, the prof docs are growing in popularity and the structure may suit me as I'm a car crash type of student at the best of times.
I'll do some more digging!
Um you should do it
May 2020
12:58pm, 23 May 2020
50,035 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
Um: my office mate finished her PhD when she was 70! She’s now teaching online. Go for it!
May 2020
4:24pm, 26 May 2020
12,693 posts
early bird
Wow 1step hope it all goes well whichever option you go with.
I had a little meltdown on placement this morning which has led to me being sent home this afternoon and being given study leave for the week. I've been told I am to be off next week self certified in order to help me 'get back to myself'. Stuff going on in personal family life affecting me a bit which when piled on top of the course and other 'stuff' has just worn me down. I feel exhausted. It was all triggered by that silly question "How are you?" I apologised afterwards I mean I'm supposed to be there looking after people not the other way around!
Anyway, I will finish my essay tomorrow. Damn references. All the NMC stuff is now in online PDF form so I can't put it through Harvard referencing on word. I have a few PDF's to do then a last read through for missing words, grammar etc. Friday I have another safe medicate practice exam. I'm not too concerned about that as I have done four now and got 100% on each but I don't want to become complacent. I can just imagine me doing something stupid again like last time.
May 2020
5:09pm, 26 May 2020
37,049 posts
I'm glad you're getting a bit of space to study, EB
May 2020
7:42pm, 26 May 2020
1,133 posts
Hope getting the essay in will at least help a bit.
May 2020
8:16pm, 26 May 2020
50,055 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
Looking after others can’t be done if you don’t look after yourself first c
May 2020
8:33pm, 26 May 2020
5,390 posts
Hope you get ot all done EB. Look after yourself too!